We all deal with it, that nagging little voice in the back of our heads. It likes to tell us that we aren't good enough, that we shouldn't bother trying, that we're failures. Oftentimes, the hardest challenge is overcoming our own selves. When we give into these internal doubts, rather than challenging them, we bar ourselves from accomplishing our goals. But it's not impossible to get out of your own way, and shut that little voice up.
You are your biggest obstacle.
This sentiment has been documented in numerous cliches, but it's true when they say that you are your own worst enemy. No one knows you better than you do, and with that knowledge comes an intimate understanding of your shortcomings, faults, and fears. But that also means you're the best authority on your strengths and talents. A lot of the time, the mentality with which we approach a situation makes all the difference. If you're constantly holding yourself back, giving in to that voice in your head, things will be much more difficult. Challenging that little voice, shoving it aside, and moving forward without so much doubt--that will be the deciding factor between success and failure.
You can only change if you want to.
Here's the catch: you can only do that if you want to. Accepting yourself as you are, good and bad, is hard. Committing to changing your habitual self-doubt is hard. But these are necessary steps to progress. You're the only one that can silence that pessimistic little voice. The sooner you realize that and make the decision to work out a way to change it, the sooner you can start reaching your dreams.
Be confident.
It all starts with confidence. If you believe in yourself, others will find more reason to believe in you, too. Approach a situation with a sense of triumph, rather than trepidation. Of course, there is a huge difference between confidence and arrogance. Once you strike the balance between the two, nothing will be able to bring you down.
Stop letting your fears control you.
Take risks. Try new things. Find the cliff's edge of your comfort zone, and jump off. Sure, some of your ventures may not end up successful, but if you keep preventing yourself from taking that leap, you'll never learn to fly.
Encourage self-positivity
Take some time for yourself. Splurge a little. Leave yourself some encouraging post-it notes. You might surprise yourself at how much an optimistic self-image can impact your day, and your confidence.
Of course, not every challenge in life is self-created. Many times we are faced with things totally out of our control. Nevertheless, when we approach these issues with a positive, united mindset, we can surmount anything that life throws at us.
So get out of your own way. It's time to start living.