*Sigh.* Yes, I'm actually going to talk about THAT topic. The dreaded bathroom debate. Since everyone else seems to be experts on what they think should be done, why not throw my two cents in?
You see, I'm no expert on politics, not even close. I don't claim to be the brightest or the best problem solver. However, I think when it comes to something that will affect me, as well as everyone around me, that I should be allowed my own opinion. I'm not going to scream and shout and force feed my beliefs and ideas to you, that's not my style. Plus, I think that's a big waste of time anyway. Some people think otherwise but....well that's another article for another day.
You see, when it comes to the idea of allowing anyone, regardless of their gender, to go into any bathroom, I just can't imagine it. Ever since I was small, I remember heading to the ladies' room with my mom, then eventually, by myself. Little boys went to their own different bathroom, since they are a different gender with their own different biological parts. That's what I was taught, and that's what I've always known. It wasn't until recently that many began to entertain the idea of banishing the barrier between the two separate restrooms.
I definitely do not agree with this.
No, I am not discriminating against those who identify with a gender opposite of the one they were biologically given. I do not agree with the idea of allowing anyone to enter whatever restroom they want. That is completely ludicrous. I understand the idea of wanting the transgender community to feel welcome in the restroom of their choosing. Do I agree with that idea? No. But that is not the reason I disagree with this "open bathroom" idea.
I disagree because we have absolutely no way of controlling who enters what restroom. If we allow people to choose whether they want to use the female or male facilities, we are endangering everyone who uses public restrooms. Why? Well let's see, has society not proven over the past few decades to be sprinkled with murderers, rapists, and downright lunatics? Who is to say that someone in any of these categories won't utilize this "open bathroom" policy to prey upon innocent bathroom goers? How can we ensure that those who enter a restroom aren't doing so with a dangerous hidden agenda? That's right, we can't.
Whether we want to admit it or not, the idea of breaking the barrier between men's and women's restrooms is not a good one. There is no way to limit this to only those in the transgender community, and thus creates a gray area that could be detrimental to public safety.
It is for that reason that I stand to say get out of my bathroom, and go back to your own.