In today's world where anything and everything is posted, it makes it incredibly easy to comment unnecessary opinions and judgment onto others. Everyone feels like they're being watched, and for good reason. Nothing is private which allows judgment to be easier than ever.
Everyone, including myself, is guilty of looking at other people's posts and thinking negative thoughts. "Is she really wearing that?" "Why would he post that?" Judging people is an inevitable part of being human. It's natural and normal.
I can't sit here and say "never judge someone again. If you do, then you're a bad person." That would be ridiculous and frankly, impossible. Instead of trying to be perfect human beings, we should simply try to get out of the habit.
Of course, negative and judgmental thoughts will come across our minds no matter what. But we can control how much and the actions of letting our thoughts be known. Next time you catch yourself unnecessarily judging someone, just tell yourself "hey, that person is a human being too. This is completely unnecessary to think this."
Though it may sound silly, people don't realize what a negative affect judging others has. Limiting those thoughts and snide comments allows for more positivity to sweep in. And this world can always use more positivity.
Try to get into the habit of only thinking of positive comments of other people. Doing so will make it hard to let judgement pour in. Yes, thinking positively 24/7 is impossible. But practicing those habits can only do good for your life and for other people's lives.
Thoughts affect everything. They effect your physical actions even unconsciously. Getting out of the habit of judging people will create someone who is more patient, kind, and loving.
There are already so many negative things in this world. We should make a continuous effort to bring more light and positvity. By limiting the amount of judgement we have of other people, a change will definitely be made. It is so easy to judge and think harshly but it creates so much insecurities and pain.