I Built A Life I'm Proud Of By Stepping Out Of My Comfort Zone | The Odyssey Online
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I Built A Life I'm Proud Of By Stepping Out Of My Comfort Zone

"Sometimes a fresh start is exactly what you need to realize who you are and what you’re capable of."

I Built A Life I'm Proud Of By Stepping Out Of My Comfort Zone
Jordan Ohlman

When I made the decision to come to Tech and move six hours away from my hometown, I knew it would be a difficult journey. Not just because I'm in crunch time in terms of my bachelor's degree, but because I moved right after a bad breakup with no friends or family in Lubbock. I knew a couple people from high school who came to Tech after graduation, but I'm not the kind of person to reach out to people I haven't spoken to in years because I need something.

I decided that this fresh start at a new university, a long way from San Antonio, was exactly what I needed. I wanted to branch out, meet new people, and take risks.

It was tough for me to get involved at first. I didn’t have someone to show me around or do things with me. My first couple weeks of classes were rough, but I took it upon myself to get out of my comfort zone and attend welcome week meetings and events. I wouldn't be where I am today if I hadn't.

I got involved in 3 student organizations. Two of which I now hold leadership positions in. At the first meeting for one of the organizations, they announced they would be holding elections for chair positions. The person I was before I came to Lubbock would never take a chance and run, but after some thinking, I decided to do it. I was nervous because I didn't know anyone in the organization. I had to interview with the executive board and present a speech to the members, but I followed through and was informed a week later that I won! Now not only do I have social media management experience to put on my resume, but I also met some amazing people while in the position.

In my transfer student organization, I took a leap of faith and signed up for the Transfer Leadership Connection Retreat. I was nervous about it at first and even considered backing out but ultimately decided I should go. It was one of the best decisions I’d made all year. My experience on the retreat not only taught me a lot about myself and my own leadership skills, but it also confirmed any doubts I had about applying for a job with the organization. The experience I had was close to my heart. I knew I would be hurt if I didn’t get the position, but it was worth a shot. I applied and was offered the position in February.

If the past 9 months of my life have taught me anything, it’s the importance of taking chances. I have worked so hard to build a new life for myself and do things out of my comfort zone. I can honestly say it has all paid off. I met my best friends through taking these risks. I learned more about what I want to do when I graduate and gathered some great educational experiences. I wouldn’t trade any of it for the world. Being in a new place allowed me to take chances I never would have before, and build a new life that I'm proud of. Sometimes a fresh start is exactly what you need to realize who you are and what you’re capable of.

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3. "This final paper has me questioning if this professor just sucks or is Satan himself."

4. "Is that person over there OK? They've been sleeping for a while."

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6. "I wonder how much I could make as a stripper."

7. "There are no stress relief dogs, and I feel conned. My stress today is worse than yesterday."

8. "Rate My Professor screwed me over."

9. "I wore these clothes yesterday, and maybe even the day before, but it's fine."

10. "I wonder if I could sneak a beer in here."

11. "I just really want chocolate chip cookies."

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