It is funny how looking back at your life and you realize it has been meaningless. I have done nothing in my life worth praise. Not one thing. That message sticks out in my mind like a neon sign. I could die without ever doing anything. Why haven’t I?
I have been lazy. I have had chance after chance to do something great. I have just given up because it was too hard. I did not want to work for it. To get the things we want in life we have to work for them.
I am entitled to nothing. I walk around like I should be, but in reality I’m not. That is what is wrong with me. I think everything should just be handed to me, and I am not the only one. We need to wake up. The world does not revolve around us.
We can’t just walk through life with our hands outstretched. Do you know what that will get us? That will either give us scraps or nothing. I want the whole thing. I am not a dog. Scraps are not what is intended for me.
People, wake up! We cannot achieve what we do not work for. We are a lazy country who thinks that flipping burgers deserves $15 an hour. If you do not have a college degree, or high school diploma that is your fault. Working at a burger joint is not supposed to be a lifetime job, it is for teenagers who need something to do rather than get into trouble.
If you think that making food that makes you fat is worth getting paid $15 an hour rather than the people who go to school for years, spend thousands of dollars, and get a degree who only get paid $10 is more important, then you need to rethink your way of life. That is a gateway job.
There are ways for you to do well in life. You just have to work for them. For a while I went around acting like the world should just be given to me and not worrying about what it did to the people around me. I ruined several relationships of extremely close people, and now I am in a place I do not want to be, or ever did want to be again.
I now have to work my butt off to get out, and it is going very slow. I know eventually I will get out, but I am dealing with my punishment. I should have pulled my head out of my a$$ when I had the chance to. It would have saved a lot of people grief.
Don’t be that person who thinks the world should bow done to them. No one likes that person and it will get you nowhere fast. Instead be the person who makes waves. Those people have bright futures. The awesome thing is is that you can do it anytime. You just have to get off of you A$$ and do it.