When I first started college, it was difficult trying to figure out what career path I wanted to take. During the times spent at college, one thing that came to mind was trying to understand the difference between experiencing yourself and remembering yourself. However, it's important to know that experiencing yourself is more beneficial than just remembering yourself because your life will improve over time if your thoughts are more organized or controlled.
Experiencing yourself requires learning things on your own.
Going to a university was an exciting yet somewhat terrifying experience at first. Since I wanted to learn something that the university was not going to teach (graphic/web design), I was forced to learn things without assistance. I am glad, since being self-taught improved my confidence and technical skills.
Remembering yourself means only thinking about the past and recovering from mistakes.
Finding the balance between recreational and academics is one of the biggest challenges that we have to face in college. However, make sure the choices you make do not have a negative impact on your future. You want to remember the progress you made, even during challenging times in life. Remember that your personality is a reflection of who you are now rather than what you were like before.
Whatever you lack physically, make up for it in experience.
Occasionally, you might feel that some goals that you set are impossible to achieve. If there is something you want to do, then go for it. Many people do not realize that they are smarter and stronger than they may feel. If you need a confidence boost, just think of a time when you did not know how to finish a task, and try to remember how you figured it out on your own without help. This is useful when dealing with challenging projects and when you want to find an easier way to solve a problem.
Try to live in the moment instead of telling friends you had one.
The best way to experience yourself in life is to go out and enjoy your favorite activity while refraining from taking an excessive amount of pictures or video. Staying away from social media will make you happier. Anytime you need to cheer yourself up, the pictures you did take will remind you of better times.
Organize your thoughts and the way you complete assignments.
Make a plan for your day in the morning. It is similar to a video game, where you need to focus on the main story, instead of getting distracted by too many side quests.
Getting the full college experience is different for everyone attending.
If you want to eliminate stress and suffering from your life, you need to learn not to overthink the decisions you make. Get the most out of your time at college before venturing into the real world. You will experience your time at college or just remember going to one, whichever one you choose is up to you.