Spring break preparation has begun. Here are all the tips you need to get there.
1. Water, Water, Water, Water, and... Water
Water is the key to shading that extra weight in time for spring break. It helps keep you full longer and enhance your metabolism. Get in a routine and drink a certain amount of water bottles per day.
2. Add Fiber To Your Diet
Fiber has been proven to have an incredible effect on weight loss. Per Healthine, a fiber intake gain of 14 grams showed an average calorie cut of 10% each day.
3. Have a High Protein First MealÂ
Your first meal of the day should be high in protein which reduces your appetite throughout the day and reduces hormones that trigger hunger. Not to mention, protein is essential to your muscles you should be working in the gym!
4. Try HIIT Cardio and Weightlifting
High Intensive Interval Training is the new craze in the health and fitness world. HIIT serves as a fat-blasting cardio training. Lifting weights not only helps gain muscle but is proven to have more "afterburner" calories than cardio. The combination will help you get gain physical health and strength that you should be practicing all year round (not just February and March!)
5. Get Enough SleepÂ
Your body needs time to rest and gain those muscles you have just worked out in the gym. Healthy night sleep is considered to be anywhere from 6-8 hours. Sleep deprivation increases hunger throughout the following day and can deprive yourself of energy you need to get through any workouts.