Physically, mentally and emotionally he abused you.
The first time he did it, you thought he would stop. The second time he did it, you thought he was just having a bad day. The third time he did it, you thought it was your fault.
After that, you got used to it. You didn't even notice how badly it was breaking you down. He hit you with his fists and his words. You didn't even know which one hurt worse. Through all of this, you thought he loved you. You thought you just "made him mad" sometimes.
You thought it would eventually stop. And you were right, it did EVENTUALLY stop. It stopped when you were in the hospital. This time you were there because he damaged you so much you tried to kill yourself. Last time you were there because he lost control and hit you until he got tired. Don't ignore the signs. Emotional abuse will lead to physical abuse.
If he doesn't care about tearing you down emotionally then he will not think twice about putting his hands on you; No matter how much you think he "loves" you. He doesn't love you. You love too hard that's why you can't see that. I'm not judging you because I know it's not easy. But whoever you are I love you and you deserve more what you are getting. Get help. You are beautiful and you will find someone else.