Let me explain. I heard a Pastor explaining how people call him talking about how distraught they get when the enemy/haters begin to bother them. He said he tells them to get excited when the enemy starts to speak. He says this is because the enemy is the father of lies and we can pretty much believe the opposite of what he says. If he says were not good enough, we can automatically believe that we are good enough. If he says were not smart enough, then we can believe we are smart enough. They job of
God does correct us but when He does He gives us directives to help us to become better. If we lack knowledge, God says we can ask for it. The enemy will just tell us we are foolish. If we lack strength, God reminds us we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. The enemy will just remind us how weak we are. God’s word encourages us to move forward but the enemy tells us to just give up. Personally, I get excited when the enemy creeps up because I feel I must be getting closer to what God has for me and the enemy is trying to deter me. Remember when Jesus came from fasting and the enemy was there to tempt Him (Matt 4:1-11)? The devil knew that Jesus was headed to greatness so he did his best to keep Jesus off that path, but what did Jesus do? The same thing we should and that is, use the Word of God to defeat and dismiss the enemy.
So when the enemy starts to speak, get excited! Know that he’s nervous about where you’re headed and know that nothing he says can be trusted. Go to God’s Word and gain an understanding of how God feels about you. That way the enemy will have nothing to say and when he does speak you’ll know the truth and can get excited about God working in your life.
~Daughter of the
Hagar’s Affirmation
I am a Daughter of the Most High. I am fearfully and wonderfully made. I am beautiful, whole, and complete. Everything I need can be found in and provided by my Father. I don’t have to beg for anything or anyone’s attention. I realize that I am the prize, the good thing to be found. I will not beg for scraps when I know that my Father has prepared a table for me. I am empowered, encouraged, educated and edified. God has opened my eyes to see that I can do all and be all I’ve been called to be through Christ who strengthens me. I will allow the Holy Spirit to guide and direct me as I begin again the kingdom way and receive all that my Father has for me. I am beautiful and whole and perfectly me. I am a Daughter of the Most High, just who I’ve been called to be.