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Get Back Your Motivation

The Halfway Point in the Semester can be Difficult

Get Back Your Motivation

Well, first of all, you have made it through half of the semester, congrats!! Having said that, October can be a difficult month between getting to the point of the semester where lots of people are getting sick, everyone's tired, and there is so much school work to be done. If you're feeling overwhelmed or simply "over" the semester, don't worry.... you're not alone. So many people have these feelings come around mid-terms season when the work keeps piling up and it's hard to get back into that beginning of the semester extremely motivated mindset. To get back that mindset, there are a few things you can do for yourself that you'll thank yourself for later.

1. Make a to-do list.

Before relaxing or just giving up, sit yourself down and write a list out of everything you need to do, whether it be a big project or small quiz in the near future. Laying it all out and seeing it on paper can be daunting, but it's also a good way to clear your head and get all of those things out in the open that you want to get accomplished in due time. The best part about making a to-do list is crossing things off once you have completed it! After some much-needed rest and relaxation, actually complete the to-do list!

2. Get a good night's rest.

It's super easy to think that going to bed late every night will help you out, however, your brain won't be working as good the next day as it normally would, so getting in those extra zzz's will really be the true hero in this case. You'll definitely feel a whole lot better the next morning if you got the recommended 7-8 hours in.

3. Go on a fun outing with your friends.

Sometimes halfway through the semester you might start to feel as if you haven’t seen anything different in the longest time. Going for a nice drive with the windows down to a place you’ve never been before is a great way to just decompress and get out of the “college bubble.”

4. Order in some comfort food.

Treat yourself to that restaurant you have been craving, even if it's not the healthiest. Better yet, get it as takeout with your friends so you can wear your PJs as you enjoy!

Overall, you deserve and need the time to rejuvenate yourself. School is extremely important, but you should not feel the need to be guilty if you take some time to relax, take a step back from school work so that you can get your energy back, and then feel that motivation to get back into the semester. Halfway through is a big accomplishment, and only half of it left to go!

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