Germs are small organisms that can cause diseases or affect a human being internally and externally. In college, many people can contract diseases or infections because of the populated environment around everyone. Germs are spread in college like wildfire and people must recognize one way to defeat germs to stop them in their tracks. Everyone must use hand sanitizer or wash their hands with soap after touching anything that many people touch daily such as bathroom handles, sink handles, door knobs and money. Many people do not know how many germs money consist of and people touch their faces, noses, and mouth after not realizing that dirty thing they have touched. Many people in this school contract the "Oswego Plague" which is basically the "Oswego cold" or flu that about 95% of campus catch as time goes on. It is easy to get sick, but preventing it and taking care of yourself can be hard without social support and efficient medication. People must realize your hands are vulnerable items for germs to grasp on.
I realized that protecting yourself in college should be your main priority and distributing health concerns are essential. I remember some kid here contracted mumps and the Health Center took the right health precautions to assist the kid with the proper care and notifying his parents. It is a scare to find out that there were about two cases of the mumps at Oswego, but to tell you the truth germs spread too quick around a populated community and sometimes things are prevented to slowly. Some people are really distinguishing that some germs or bacteria are good which is true because some digest food and absorb nutrients beneficial for your body. If you do not keep yourself clean and continue to become exposed to all the bacteria your body can become weak, making the immune system vulnerable to worst diseases. I really think being clean is very important in all circumstances because people have things that some probably do not know and can affect one's life drastically if contagiously spread.
All of you guys must remember germs never benefit people unless its good bacteria, which is mainly beneficial for the digestive system. I remember when I was younger seeing someone sneeze and saying "Eww germs", but now I could realize that germs are all over the place and there is not much to do to stop them. The only thing possible is preventing them from getting you sick and other people by cleaning the house often or keeping everyone away from you that are sick.