Right now, in this day and age, journalism has become dishonest. A respected art, news outlets are one of the shadiest businesses in terms of manipulating the public. Capitalism has forced its teeth into readers and viewers alike to construe the information always around us. I scroll down my timeline and I’ll see contradicting tweets between politicians, bigoted statements from "experts," and an exponential amount of farce on any news outlet. How can we even be objective? But you know what annoys me about all of it? The complete prostituting of what news really is. It’s a quota, so one goes digging and stirring up the pot because honestly, as a writer, you’re not getting a firsthand look at every breaking news story; so you need to make stuff up on your own, hence "how can my articles be relevant this week." Sometimes we get clever. When there’s nothing to report on we’ll turn in some fanfare on junk on "5 of the best places to go on a date" or "why cats are better than dogs" to catch the attention of a couple mindless internet drones to waste about 25 seconds of their lives.
If you haven’t noticed by now this is pretty much a rant about every little generic thing I can think of.
It’s not necessarily a bad thing, clickbaiting, it is just an actually terrible thing. The well has gone dry on original, opinionated articles, so we see others recycle their ideas and turn it in in hopes of getting a little compensation. Is this what it’s like to be a journalist? How can I tell the difference in what the masses what and what the 1 percent want? I mean, if they're shady in anyway or form, who am I to know? They are the news. It’s like the police policing themselves -- it’s not going to happen. So they distract us from the inside out by distracting the people who work for them, the people who are producing the mass influx of "official" conflict.
You watch FOX News and NBC and you’re left completely confused on what the hell is going on. Am I the only one confused by this very laughable election that we are all being painfully forced to watch? All I see is wolves pretending to be sheep (one side being slightly better than the other). But the people love it, we love the soap opera that is the United States of America. The twitter battles, the mental breakdowns, the farce. Everything is just muddled. Our view of the world has become so obscure by media that a gorilla is more important than a man.