Let me make the most basic teenage girl statement ever: I hate Valentine's Day. Is it because I'm a bitterly single girl who just wants someone to take me on a date? Maybe, but probably not. Is it because I don't like showing emotions? Again, possible but probably not. Valentine's Day is, in my humble opinion, a dumb cultural day that has been so hyped up in the past few decades that no one even realizes it has no actual meaning or correlation with all the candy, flowers, and mushiness that we associate it with.
Saint Valentine's Day is actually a Christian holiday that is supposed to commemorate a saint who served as a martyr during the Middle Ages. The actual Saint Valentine didn't get Hallmark cards or chocolates. In fact, no one has an accurate account of what exactly happened to poor Saint Valentine back in the day. Either way, his story definitely has little to do with how the world celebrates Valentine's Day today.
The reason I hate Valentine's Day is because it's pointless. Why do we have to designate one day, just twenty-four hours, of a whole year to show people we love them? If you want to buy your girlfriend flowers on a random day, do it. Take your boyfriend to his favorite restaurant in the middle of the summer, not just on Feb. 14.
There's no reason that love and kindness should be limited to one day. In fact, surprise gifts and acts of kindness are way more fun in my opinion than any over-hyped, over-planned Valentine's Day extravaganza. It's also a little ridiculous to feel obligated to spend money on someone for one day. I literally feel bad when someone pays for my two dollar ice cream, let alone a fancy dinner and nice gift. The whole concept behind the holiday seems a little stupid to me, so if you want to show someone you care, do it whenever and however you want.