The Traditional Generation grew up and lived in my favorite time period: 1900-1945. They had a very defined sense of right and wrong and had loyalty and respect for authority. They did not have a shortage of decency, humility, and honesty like we do today.
This older generation had better hearts.
Also known as the Silent Generation and the Greatest Generation, they understood command in a hierarchical way and knew how to save and plan for the future and retirement. They were bred to save, conserve, and to live with less. Living within their means was never an issue for this generation like it is with this one.
This older generation had more self-control.
The recent generations, the people today, still accomplish the tasks that are important to them and they still become masters of discernment. The skills and abilities of these newer generations have not declined since the last, the quality and assessment of importance, value, and reality has. If a commercial about quivering and terrified dogs and cats move us to tears but the murder of our own soldiers and civilians in the last few decades as we fight terrorism and ISIS is only criticized and ridiculed and hated, then we are desperately and shamefully twisted and undone from within.
The older generation had nationwide, whole-hearted, undisputed patriotism.
Not only is the Traditional Generation better than the Millennials, but older people are better than younger people. Older people walk with their heads up, they will look you in the eyes, and smile and talk with you. The majority of the young adults I meet, whether or not they have a phone, will not look you in the eye if you paid them. I don’t know if it’s arrogance, apathy, inattention, or maybe I’m extremely ugly or incredibly intimidating, but there are a cherished few young people that acknowledge my existence and smile.
The older generation wasn’t afraid of interacting with others or showing them kindness.
Dancing in the first half of the century was purely enjoyable. It wasn’t provocative, sexual, drunk, high, or naked like most dancing is today. Dancing and music were never about sex or selfish desires or soppy break ups. Church wasn’t a ChrEaster event (only Christmas and Easter attendees), and school was a place to learn, not to bully or be bullied.
The children and young people in 1900 to 1945 were mature and decent.
Pardon me for loving who Americans were in the past and yearning for what America was. But despite that, I love America today because America is my country. If you don't like it here then leave, or come together as citizens of the same country should and make something better.