Generation Z is the generation of kids in my age group. We are the kids that were born ranging from 1995 to 2000. The early half of the generation can still call ourselves "'90s kids" but can't completely identify with millennials. We are part of the generation of technology, a generation of "selfies" and "Internet addiction." It seems that you always see posts on social media talking about reasons why they hate our generation. If you go on websites such as Facebook and Tumblr you will see rants about our age group and how we are making society so terrible. They say that we are not as smart as other generations and that we are the most narcissistic bunch ever.
I don't see us that way. I see us as the generation of change and we welcome those changes with open arms. We are the generation I believe most embodies the well known phrase "All Men Are Created Equal." We speak our minds. We notice the flaws in society and are trying to change them. We are increasing the rate of education after high school. I believe that while we have some serious duds (you know who you are), we have some of the kindest and smartest people around. We are a generation of "hipsters" and "hippies." I see those phrases as synonyms for free-thinkers. We are changing the rules of society little bits at a time.
We the Z are a generation of free thinkers and trend setters. I am proud to be a member of such a transcendent generation. While everyone else says that we are no good, I think we are pretty awesome.