We have heard of the Baby Boomer Generation, Generation "X" (Baby Bust) after that, and even Generation "Y" (Millenials). Each Generation has something to say about the one that follows until there is a continuous loop of ranting, defending the younger folk who are charged with the future: our future. As a piece of the generational puzzle the apprehension towards the next chiefs of our world is acknowledged, but never fear...for Generation "Z" is here!
1.) The Largest generation in history to date.
The world's population is growing and by the time 2050 arrives it'll be a bit more cramped. 82 million people from this generation will outweigh any other span by the end of 2020; as each of their birth years totals into large groups. Like the dethroning of a monarch, the new kids will usurp the Millennials, who usurped the Boomers prior to them.
2.) The Majority of this generation is non-caucasian.
Sorry not sorry for this: statically speaking, this is the first occurrence in the history of the United States--go diversity! Near the year 2055, any sort of ethnic majority will cease to exist within the United States; the change was brought upon and will continue to prosper due to immigration. Back in the day or the 1880-1920's Europeans sought out a new home in huge numbers the past 50 years saw roughly 59 million immigrants making a home in the United States. Chiefly, a Latin American and Asian population.
3.) Hispanics are the fastest-growing group in Generation Z.
It is simply a matter of fertility rates. Hispanic mothers have an average of 2.4 children, compared to black mothers (2.1), and Asian and white mothers (1.8).
4.) At least one of ten of this generation will marry across ethnic and racial lines.
The idea of cross-culturalism: the notion of studying multiple cultures and implementing one's ethnic background with that of the society's culture. Culture does matter as a part of their identity: adjectives like beautiful, complex, even mixed and unique are frequently used; essentially, they are more open-minded as a whole.
5.) Homosexual marriage will be embraced as normative.
Simply think of how much of the Millenial generation are open-minded for same-sex relationships; Generation Z will embrace this as a social norm. The matter of personal identity seems to be on the rise with many distinguishing as different sexualities: with that said the percentage of homosexual marriage is unclear.
6.) Two historic events have shaped Generation Z.
Though many of us have experienced so much in terms of tragedies such as 9/11 for instance, a huge portion of Generation Zers weren't around yet, but have heard of the effects from parents and others who experienced it indirectly and directly. A second devastating event, the Great Recession, is still pretty much a sore thought for many. The 18-month impact still proves haughty today as Generation Z parents and children fumble underneath the feebled job economy.
7.) Gen Z will be highly entrepreneurial.
8.) Gen Z is and will be in church more regularly.
This is a tricky topic to bring up; mainly because most decide not to bring it up on account of offending somebody else's ideas or values. Well, Generation Z's attendance at church is a lot higher than most would presume possible. A whopping (41%) attending church, while the Millennials constitute (18%), Generation X (21%), Baby boomers measure (26%). More research is needed, though probably due to the fact that this cohort is a more socially conservative age (more keen on keeping traditional beliefs), reasonably following the more diverse world we live in.
9.) Rapid change is normative for Gen Z.
None would have been able to predict that the public use of the internet or even wearable technologies would stand up to the way things were--change can be scary sometimes, time showed us that habits need to change. An example would be the opposite of us Millenials editing pictures to feed our egos, Generation Zers prefer to live in the moment and share their view of how it looks to them. Flowing from Facebook to Snapchat and Instagram, to using Netflix and youtube for streaming instead of television. These are normative for Generation Z--fully accustomed to the rapid change.
10.) Generation Z truly craves personal contact.
Yes, as immersed as they are with eyes glued to screens and handheld technology almost permanently engrained with the human body, doesn't it seem like a case of generational miscommunication? For all of the networking and intermingling on Snapchat, or Whisper, or the myriad of social media platforms; a scream fo interpersonal relationships is the intent. A literal clash of the ages--we Millennials had the best of worlds with and without the internet, the youth now are totally engrossed with it and unable to escape the firewall of ignorance we all share with the younger generation.
All in all, we are still in early stages within this new future; let's see what tomorrow brings forth and how the generations of yesterday impel the new ones.