Doesn't it bother you that colleges and universities in America require you to take useless general education courses in order to graduate? I am not talking about a history, science, or mathematics course, but a course that is in fact useless.
Being born and raised in The Netherlands, the entire "college system" in The Netherlands seems to uphold much different standards then those of American colleges and universities. In The Netherlands, college is a school where you are taught everything to become a master in your future career. Instead of wasting your money on general education courses that don't even relate to your future career, you pay for a college experience that allows you to be the best version of your professional self in your future career of choice. Unfortunately, American colleges and universities don't seem to think the same way.
College should be the place of education in which you become educated towards your future career, not the place to be forced to take BS general education courses. Why should college students be required to take a dance appreciation course, when they are simply there to become a master in their future career? Let's get to the bottom line: colleges in America love to waste our precious money.
Many schools like to pretend that general education courses provide us with a well-rounded education, but can someone please explain to me how such a course as a "hot dog seminar" course can provide us with such? In order to graduate in most colleges in America, a "freshman seminar" course is part of the requirements. Many colleges even allow their students to pick one of the many freshman seminar courses offered. Freshman seminar courses can range from courses such as "camp counseling" all the way to "beekeeping". This is when I bring back my previous question: how can such a course as "beekeeping" provide us with a "well-rounded education"?
Don't we already pay too much for college as it is? Why must colleges take more money from our wallets? Do us all a favor: save our time and money, and get rid of the BS courses all together! I am not arguing that every general education course is useless, but a course such as a freshman seminar course is without a doubt a waste of everyone's time and should be banned.