So, all I have seen on the internet lately is why we should or shouldn't allow people who are transgender to use the restroom of the sex they identify with. This subject is very tough because I completely understand why most people would not want to use the restroom with someone of the opposite sex, or especially let their child go anywhere alone. It is a scary thought. There are sick people in this world who will do anything to get what they want. With that being said, please stop and think. If someone wants to assault you in the bathroom they will do it regardless of the law, seeing how they are criminals in the first place. Predators always find a way to get to their prey. We should always be on guard and careful when it comes to the safety of ourselves and our children.
We have been using the restroom with people who are transgender forever. You wouldn't know whether a transwoman was in your woman’s bathroom anyway because they will likely look more womanly, because they identify as a female. We want them to use the restroom with men? Imagine it.
Turn it around, a woman who identifies as a man, will look, act and probably talk like a man. You want to force them to use the bathroom around their opposite gender, and have them around your daughters? Even if they have no bad intentions, the situation is uncomfortable for everyone. How do we know who truly has bad intentions? People who are transgender are more likely to be the victims of crimes, not perpetrators. The problem here is not people who are transgender being in your restroom. The problem is society’s hate for things they do not understand.
Gender identity is one's concept of self as male or female or both or neither—how individuals perceive themselves and what they call themselves. One's gender identity can be the same or different from the sex assigned at birth. Humans are assigned as either male or female at birth. People who are transgender suffer from a psychological disorder called gender dysphoria. They feel a very significant distress with the sex and gender they were assigned at birth. Just like any other disorder, until you have experienced it, you may not understand why these people think and feel the way they do, they don't even know why! When your lifestyle is drastically different from the norm, you are constantly being discriminated, hated, misunderstood and being treated like the bad guy.
It cannot be easy to accept who you are when your mind tells you you're something different. To understand them we have to try to think what really defines us. Is our sex who we are? Am I who my mind tells me I am? Our character and attitude are created from the mind. But society tells me I am what the parts of my body says I am. There are cases in which people are born with the wrong hormones, genitals or both. So what defines them? As children, many try to cut their genitals off because their mind tells them it does not belong there. I have never experienced such traumatizing emotions, but I truly feel for people who do.
The brain is such a mysterious thing! Gender identity is not only biologically determined, but it can be environmental as well. We are told to be ourselves and do what makes us happy. Only, not if it is offensive to the rest of the world.
Now we can be with who we love, but shouldn’t be who we truly are. We all have feminine and masculine traits, men and women. Every person’s range is different. Do you ever remember choosing your likes and dislikes. You taste, listen, smell, feel, see something and your brain tells you "Hm, I like or dislike that". What if everyone wanted you to like it but your brain told you, you just don't! As a child in this situation you may be called weird or outcast. Until the adult informs them that it isn't your fault. It is not your choice to truly like or dislike something.
Where are the adults here? They are pointing at people who's brains are telling them they don't like anything about being the sex they were given at birth. In their mind, everything about being the opposite sex makes sense.
Who are we to say they're wrong? Who are we to judge their lifestyle and say you cannot use the restroom with me? I say let them go where they feel comfortable! I strongly feel that only people who are noticeably true transgender should be able to choose. Any person who is unquestionably a member of the opposite sex in that bathroom should be in trouble. Most importantly anyone caught violating someone else's privacy should have extreme consequences. While we do not want to make our bathroom experience uncomfortable in any way, we aren't going to control the Transgender mind so why control where they use the restroom?
This is the newest form of segregation much more easily enforced in today’s society. We can no longer discriminate against color, so how will we segregate now? Sexual orientation and transgender, something widely unacceptable to debate in the past and in many religions today. So we make it normal for this generation. They think it is casual. Let people feel comfortable being who they are. That will keep them divided. Everyone knows people won't accept what they don't agree with or understand. They say, “Transgender, that’s not normal. You should be who God created you to be.” So what defines God's creations? Our physical body, the body parts assigned to it or our spirit which travels to the after-life to meet our creator?
So be mad about the law if you choose, I fully agree that no average man should be allowed in a woman's restroom. Just don't take it out on the innocent. Almost every person is sick, some sicknesses cause harm to themselves more than others. People who's sickness harms others should be punished for acting on their desires. If someone's sickness causes no harm to you, there is no reason to make it your business. The Transgender community is innocent. The ones who have truly suffered with their identity everyday, not people who use the label for attention or their own benefit.
We need to be taking it out on the guilty. We need to have stricter sentencing for sexual predators. They should not be able to live a normal life. We need to be able to feel safe anywhere. This includes adults, children, straight, gay and transgender, all innocent people. Now more than ever we need to stick together and watch each other's back. We cannot continue to create new ways of segregating ourselves, in a time when our unity is so important. Evil is everywhere and it wants us separated. The person you shun today man be your only hope tomorrow.