Shockingly enough, the word "feminist" does not translate to "man-hater". It does not translate to the phrase, "Women are superior." It also does not mean that men don't have problems, too.
A lot of men and women are thrown off by the word "feminism", and considering all of the lies and ridiculous assumptions about the term, it isn't hard to see why.
Feminism is the idea that men and women are equal. There is not one gender that is higher up on the totem pole than the other, and both genders deserve equal respect.
Saying, "You hit like a girl!" on the baseball field should not be a phrase that is supposed to humiliate someone.
Shouting, "Come on, ladies!" in a male locker room is not how you should try and encourage men to move faster.
Now, it is obvious that this is an issue that applies to women a lot of the time, but that isn't all. Men are also facing problems as a result of inequality.
With phrases like, "Man up!" and, "Stop being such a baby!" society is encouraging men to refrain from showing their more "feminine" emotions. But here is a fun fact for you: No emotion is actually "feminine" or "masculine." Humans are wired to show their emotions. So the next time you see a male crying over something that you think isn't worth crying over, remember that men have emotions, too. Crazy to think about, but it's true.
In Emma Watson's UN Address for gender equality, she said, "Both men and women should feel free to be sensitive. Both men and women should feel free to be strong. It is time that we all perceive gender on a spectrum, not as two opposing sets of ideals."
Keep up the good fight, and start speaking up. It affects you too, no matter how much you don't want it to.
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