WOW! It is absolutely insane to think about how rapidly time is flying by. I know that I speak for a number of college students, when I say that it feels as if we were just in the third grade a week ago. Now, that I am in the midst of the spring semester of my second year of college, quickly makes me realize that third grade was over a decade ago.
Although, there are some days that I wish I were a nine year old boy, with limited cares or worries in the world, I find joy in being a young adult. Part of being a young adult is learning from your mistakes, being faced with new experience and most of all we are growing and coming into our own as a person. Personally, I have been unbelievably thankful for the past year.
Within this past year, college has taught me a number of life lessons that I do not believe could have been learned in any other way. I have met a number of remarkable people that I have been thankful to have formed life-long bonds with. The knowledge that I have acquired thus far at college, has helped me to engage in a number of intellectual and flavorful dialogues with family and friends. (And okay, to be candid, I am still learning how to budget my money... I guess I will learn that some day.)
With all of that being said, BRING IT ON ROUND FOUR (fourth semester). I am both prepared and excited to see what I am going to learn during this round!