Taurus - Hot Green Tea | The Odyssey Online
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Lopes, Your New GCBC Order Based On Your Zodiac Sign

If your zodiac sign can predict your future, why not your GCBC order?

Lopes, Your New GCBC Order Based On Your Zodiac Sign

For any student at Grand Canyon University, GCBC is a staple in the everyday routine. From signature drinks to infused Stampedes, everyone always seems to have their go-to drink! But, how do you choose from the plethora of options? Why not let your zodiac sign decide for you?

Aries - Strawberry Stampede


Aries are known to be full of life and very high energy. With a curious mind, a Stampede is the way to go! GCU's very own energy drink, Stampede, is a very popular pick on campus. But with the multitude of flavor options, curiosity can take over until you try every flavor! For a sweet, but hyper personality, the sweet but high energy beverage is a perfect choice for an Aries!

Taurus - Hot Green Tea


A calming drink for the peaceful personality? Taurus's are known to be patient, careful and calm. Therefore, a natural relaxer is a hot beverage and green tea is known to soothe and allow you to unwind and calm down making this the ideal beverage for a classic Taurus with a busy schedule.

Gemini - The Haboob


The Haboob is a mixture of vanilla and hazelnut with a caramel drizzle and a sprinkle of cinnamon. An adventurous, but delicious combination. Gemini's are known for being very adventurous and original, which is why the Gemini can't go for something simple like a chai tea or an iced coffee. The complexity and uniqueness of The Haboob is sure to be a staple in the Gemini's life.

Cancer - Vanilla Latte


Cancers: loyal, dedicated, and nurturing. They are usually the "mom" friend, the social butterflies, and the hopeless romantics. Known to always have your back, Cancers need a drink that will also always have their back. A classic, something that will never let them down. That's when the vanilla latte comes in. A go to drink that you can never go wrong with.

Leo - The Avalanche


Leo's are known as the lion sign. A sign that represents power, pride, and leadership. A person with power deserves a drink that is just as in charge as they are. The Avalanche is that drink. A dirty chai with a white chocolate twist is a drink that definitely packs a punch.

Virgo - The Beesting


The Beesting is a sweet mixture of honey, coconut, and cinnamon that is perfect for the mild mannered Virgo. This zodiac sign is known to be dedicated and hardworking, two things that most college students try their hardest to be during the semester so by getting the Beesting, not only will you be caffeinated to finish your homework, but also enjoy a sweet treat while you're at it.

Libra - Caramel Monsoon


Libras are the sign of the scales. A sign that is in constant need of balance. So, why not go for a drink that is the perfect combination of caramel and chocolate. Not too sweet, not too bitter, the Caramel Monsoon will balance out all your coffee needs. For someone who loves coffee or just started drinking it, this drink is a guaranteed pick every time due to its lovable qualities, just like a Libra.

Scorpio - Coco-Mocha


Coconut and chocolate. To some, this may sound like the best combination. To others, this may be a little too adventurous. For Scorpios, the fearless sign, this drink is right up their alley. Scorpios strive for individuality and one of the most original drinks GCBC has is the Coco-Mocha. A tasty, complex drink that will satisfy the cravings of a Scorpio but is still original an more unique than the average espresso drink.

Sagittarius - Any of GCBC's smoothies


Sagittarius's are described as honest, optimistic, enthusiastic and encouraging. They are the people that when you are with them, it is like a breath of fresh air. Refreshing and exactly what you needed in the moment. That is why a GCBC smoothie is exactly the drink for you. They aren't the usual pick at a coffee place, but you know exactly what you are getting with a smoothie. Sweet, healthy choices that will make you feel better, like a Sagittarius.

Capricorn - Cold Brew on tap


Cold brew is one of those drinks that you have to be either a coffee connoisseur, overwhelmed by all the work you have to do, or like a very successful businessperson to enjoy. Capricorns are, most of the time, one, if not all, of those things. Known to be the hard workers and the planners, Capricorns need the high amount of caffeine to continue to get their to-do list done!

Aquarius - Hot cocoa


Known to be shy personalities or eccentric friends, Aquarius's can described as cute and fair-minded. They are the feel good people placed in your life. And... the feel good drink that you need in your life? Hot cocoa. Enough said.

 Pisces - Stampede


A daydreamer? Happy? Vibrant? That would be a Pisces. These artistic signs are known for their bright personalities and emotional connections. At GCBC, nothing gets brighter than a Stampede. While any flavor will do, the Blueberry flavor or Thunder's signature drink "Blue Thunder" can be seen all the way across campus! For a colorful Pisces, a Stampede should always be their go-to drink!

While your star sign can be fun and maybe even a little freaky, realistically, you can pick any GCBC drink that fits your palette. Hopefully, you did find a new suggestion or a new obsession and maybe, it fits your personality!

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