Strength, Vulnerability, And Activism Are The Qualities That Turns An Artist Into A Gay Icon | The Odyssey Online
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Strength, Vulnerability, And Activism Are The Qualities That Turns An Artist Into A Gay Icon

There have been gay icons for as long as you can imagine. But there are a few qualities that make a gay icon.

Strength, Vulnerability, And Activism Are The Qualities That Turns An Artist Into A Gay Icon

Gay icons have been well known for centuries. The earliest gay icon most people remember is Judy Garland. Gay icons have become such an important part of the community's history. Some of them have entertained us and some have gone further. From campy performances to commendable activism, gay icons come in many different forms. However, there are a few qualities that comprise a gay icon.

Strength is a quality that so many gay icons posses. Madonna is one of the biggest gay icons of all time. When people describe Madonna, strong is an adjective that always comes up. Despite the male dominated music scene, she paved the way for an entire generation of female performers. She also stuck her neck out for gay rights and AIDS research when it was unpopular to do so. Not to mention the fact that she has provoked controversy without apologizing or backing down. Her strength is what makes her a gay icon.

When an artist can express their vulnerability through their work, it speaks to people. For the gay community, it can offer us a voice we can relate to. Vulnerability, therefore, is a very important quality a gay icon must posses.

In 1997, Janet Jackson released her album, "The Velvet Rope." Jackson wrote and recorded the album during a period of depression. She also wrote songs that spoke directly to the LGBTQ community. On "Free Xone," Jackson tackles the issue of homophobia. On her cover of Rod Stewart's "Tonight's The Night," she changes the pronouns to portray bisexuality. Jackson also dedicated "Together Again" to several of her friends who passed from AIDS. The album went on to win a GLAAD Media Award and cemented Jackson's status as a gay icon.

It also helps if you engage in activism to support the LGBTQ community. Lady Gaga is a brilliant example of someone who uses her platform to shine a light on these issues. Even though she had already earned her gay icon status, it was cranked up when "Born This Way" was released. The song included lyrics that specifically mentioned the LGBT community. She also launched her Born This Way Foundation to change the conversation around bullying and mental health. Gaga also spoke out against the Don't Ask, Don't Tell policy before it was repealed.

Without possessing these qualities, these artists wouldn't be gay icons. We're inspired by their strength, vulnerability, and their ability to stand up for what's right. Even though we've always had gay icons, much has evolved over the years. The one apparent change is these artists are more open and comfortable with their gay icon status. Who knows what the next gay icon has in store? I guess we'll have to wait and see.

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