Gavin is, undeniably, the most perfectly relatable living meme on the internet.
His expressions pinpoint exactly what he is feeling, and for that reason, he can describe exactly what other people are feeling with just his face.
The first week of college is no exception to this. Take it away, Gavin!
1. When your mom just dropped you off but she's already called you eight times.

2. Finally seeing your friends after three (almost four!) months.

3. Getting dressed for the first day of class.

4. When you walk back into the dining hall and remember there are no healthy food options.

5. Seeing the first syllabus.

6. After your professor says the word "exam" a little too early.

7. Seeing a cutie in class.

8. Looking at yourself in the mirror right before you go out for the first night.

9. When you didn't check the weather because you were too busy.

10. Staying up late with your roommate(s).

11. When syllabus week is over and college becomes really hard and you just want to sit around with no responsibilities and be small.

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