This week I chose to fast from social media, this includes Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat. Upon entering church two Sundays ago, our senior pastors challenged the congregation to fast from something our mind wanders and where we spend most of our time with.
The Bible is very explicit about fasting and the reasons in why we should fast. Many passages offer a clear description in how God perceives fasting and the main intentions for it. One example is a verse my pastor used in which stood out to me in Acts 13:2-3
‘“While they were worshiping the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said, “Set apart for me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them.” So after they had fasted and prayed, they placed their hands on them and sent them off.” - Acts 13:2-3
We can see through this verse how God calls us to fast so that we are prepared spiritually in approaching others with the love of God.
I sat throughout the sermon thinking about what I wanted to fast. The senior pastors gave us examples like fasting from a meal, watching sports, shopping, and social media. I stuck with the idea of social media because like every other 20 year-old, I don’t want to lose touch with society. I wouldn’t say I am addicted to social media for the use of posting and showing off my life through photos and tweets. Instead, I would say I am addicted to the part where I get to see the lives of others. Sometimes this results in jealousy and the fear of missing out in life.
So I walked out of church, encouraged and ready to start the week with no social media. I turned off all my notifications from these apps and went on with my life for the week. Being able to silence the noise in which was crowding my life was refreshing. Although I was confused with what to do with this newfound silence, I began to direct my attention to areas of my life in which had been lacking. Instead of waking up to immediately scrolling through my Twitter and seeing what my friends were up to the night before, I read my daily Bible verse and pondered on it. I also felt like I prayed more through the week bringing me closer to God. The goal of the fasting was to draw near to God and in hopes of God drawing near to me as well.
Fasting from social media turned out to be easier than I had originally thought, and even after the first couple of days, I found myself questioning why I had even bother logging on to these apps and websites. Overall, I enjoyed my week without social media and I felt a sense of freedom from something which kept me held down in my relationship with God. Another takeaway I had from this week has been able to learn how to indulge in the moment with my loved ones around me. I encourage those who are seeking to enrich their relationship with God by stepping away from something that has been consuming your life by fasting. As I end my week of fasting, I reminisce on Isaiah 58:9."Then you will call and the Lord will answer; you will cry for help and he will say: here am I.” - Isaiah 58:9.This is what I strive to for in life, and by fasting, even with it just being social media, I felt a little closer to this.