If you're looking for a relaxed place to "treat yo self," then Gaulart & Maliclet is exactly what you're looking for.
As the semester is picking up, it can be difficult to set aside quality time for friends and for ourselves. Realizing this about two weeks ago, I called my best friend Lauren and made plans to go out to dinner.
A few rainchecks later we found ourselves at one of the communal tables at Gaulart & Maliclet on Broad St enjoying a delicious meal.
For many of the students I know, the idea of going to a French restaurant seems intimidating, or even pretentious. I can't say I blame anyone for that, especially if their only exposure to French cuisine comes from movies and snail jokes. I'd also love it if I could tell anyone who thought that French food was pretentious or even over-hyped to come here.
The casual atmosphere, created by newspaper and magazine clippings hung on the walls, long counters with high chairs and laminated menus, is anything but pretentious. It's the perfect place to spend time with friends and try something new.
As for the food, Lauren knew she was coming with me for this article so she suggested trying something that would give us plenty of different things to taste. We chose the 4 O'clock from the list of snacks which are served all day.
The toast, spread with a generous helping of goat cheese and black olive tapenade was the perfect start to the meal. We followed it with the rendezvous platter, advertised on the menu as a meal for two or an appetizer for four. This let us try a country plate; saucisson, almost like salami; and a truffle, duck and pork liver mousse as well as Brie, St Nectaire and Gouda cheeses. The platter also had cornichons, other veggies and honey dew accompanying the meat and cheese choices.
The only change I would have made to the meal would be to replace the sweet honey dew with a tart apple. As I'm sure y'all can tell, if that's my only complaint about the meal, then there aren't many problems at all.
I loved everything we had, the food was great and the people watching was even better. I can't wait to go back. Thursday nights have a great looking fondue special.
I hope I'll see y'all there!