I began walking on the path. The path I had walked a million times before, but not once in my life. I walked through the woods with trees whispering secrets to the others in the wind, I walked past creeks with water that cried tears of joy, and I walked past birds as they sat speaking to each other in their own beautiful language. I knew that at the end of the path I would have to go through the gate, and I knew that once I went through the gate nothing would be the same. Once, I tried to climb the gate to see the other side, but I only fell. I wanted to see what was on the other side, but I was scared. I was scared of all the possibilities that could be on the other side.
I reached the point I hadn't seen before but had. It was much more beautiful than I had remembered. A shining golden light was coming from the opposite side of the gate. I looked down at myself; my red hair was shimmering in the light like fire, and my white dress was flowing in the wind. I reached my hand out to touch the gate. Its ivy vines wrapping around various golden poles. It looked so out of place but yet it looked right where it was supposed to be. I had tried to go around the gate once it was only more woods, but I knew that if I go through the gate it would go somewhere different. I can't explain how I knew this, I just felt it deep inside. I felt it pulsing through my blood. I felt it in my bones. My hand touched the gate, and I pushed. It opened. I walked through.