Materials: liquid latex, cotton, red, yellow, green, blue, and black paints, paint brushes, fake blood, thick or scab blood
Important! Before you begin make sure you do a patch test of the liquid latex to make sure you are not allergic to it! Unless you use it all the time and know for a fact you won't have a reaction you should do a patch test! Better to be safe than sorry.
Side note: You can order liquid latex in different colors. Most standard liquid latex is white and some dry clear. However, some are flesh colored. It just depends on your skin tone and if you want to blend it with foundation or not. I prefer colored liquid latex and order mine off of I believe they have latex for different skin tones and it's not super expensive.
Step 1:
Shave and clean the area. This is just to make the removal easier because latex loves to stick to your hair even the little tiny ones you can't always see. Trust me it hurts so just to be safe shave even if you don't think there's any hair.
Step 2:
Apply a thin layer of latex in the area and shape you want the wound to be.
Step 3:
While the latex is wet apply a layer of cotton.
Step 4:
Apply a layer of latex to seal in the cotton.
Step 5:
Repeat steps 2-4 if you feel necessary. It doesn't have to be perfectly smooth because you will be tearing it open and covering it in blood.
Step 6:
When your appliance has dried use scissors to cut along where you want the gash to be. Whether it's a straight line or jagged is up to you and the look you're trying to achieve.
Step 7:
Paint the inside of the cut black.
Step 8:
Paint the inside of the "skin" a purple red. You can make it by mixing red with a tiny bit of purple.
Step 9:
Paint the surrounding skin a light pink to imitate irritated skin.
Step 10:
Paint over the black on the inside of the cut with some red. Paint along the edges of the wound with red spreading outwards with a splatter effect.
Step 11:
Put a layer of scab blood on the inside of the wound to imitate a pool of blood oozing out of your flesh.
Step 12:
Cover it all with blood. Go crazy with it. The bigger the gash the more blood there will be. You can never have too much blood.
I applied a gash on my boyfriend's leg and applied staples to show you different things you can do. To apply the staples I cut them so they were flat and secured them using a dot of liquid latex.
If you have any questions feel free to message me on Facebook or Twitter.