Gary Johnson: Worst President for America | The Odyssey Online
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Gary Johnson: Worst President for America

Sticking our tongues back at him

Gary Johnson: Worst President for America
Election Forum

Forget Clinton and Trump, if Gary Johnson ever got into the White House, you can kiss this nation's image goodbye. There has been a great amount of shaming on our political system and the supposedly brainwashing system on having only two major parties. Yes, there are only two majority parties. They are classified as left and right. Now when it comes to libertarians, they reside in the middle. I used to believe I myself was Libertarian until I faced reality. Libertarians are their own separate ideology and the problem is that they are mostly disliked by everyone due to their radical viewpoints trying to create a political creation of peanut butter and jelly in one jar.

Why is it then that we hear a lot about this Gary Johnson guy from New Mexico? Famously known for his "Aleppo Moment" and contradicting an apology for making fun of Trump using a very sexist term in response to Trump's cowardice of using the sexist term, Gary Johnson is nothing more than a political tool. His main purpose in the election is to cause a minor to no impact whatsoever on the political chain of events that we Americans call a presidential election year. You see, this is not the first time we saw Gary Johnson. Back in 2012 during the reelection of President Barack Obama, Libertarian Governor Gary Johnson ran for president. So why on Earth are we hearing about him now? Because Clinton and Trump are the worst examples of a president, but Johnson is both of them combined. Lunatic to the core.

So what is Johnson's stance? Unless you are a Libertarian, your response may just be that he wants to legalize marijuana. Well he proposed the same thing in 2012 and no one dropped their remote to run to the voting booths. So here are his viewpoints:

Stance on abortion:
Johnson: Pro-Choice
Trump: Pro Life, but allow in cases of rape, incest, or danger to mother
Clinton: Pro-choice

Fund Planned Parenthood:
Johnson: Yes
Trump: No, government should not give funds to any clinic that performs abortions.
Clinton: Yes

Do you support legalization of Marijuana?
Johnson:Yes , for recreational and medical
Trump: Yes, but only for medical
Clinton: Yes, but only for medical

Should there be more restrictions on purchasing guns:
Johnson: No, only for criminals and the mentally ill
Trump: No
Clinton: Yes, require strict background checks, psychological testing, and training.

Should states be allowed to display the confederate flag on government property:
Johnson: Yes, State Rights
Trump: No
Clinton: No, It is a symbol of racism

Do you support common core?
Johnson: No
Trump: No, education needs to be done on state level as each state has different history and teachings.
Clinton: Yes

Increase environmental regulations:
Johnson: No
Trump: No
Clinton: Yes

Should the government attack N. Korea in response of missile testing:
Johnson: No, and I am convinced that N. Korea is incapable of long range nuclear weapons
Trump: No, we should let China address this issue
Clinton: No, be diplomatic first

Should Muslim Immigrants be banned from entering the country:
Johnson: No, banning immigrants based on their religion is unconstitutional
Trump: No, but we should ban immigrants from high risk countries
Clinton: No

Should the government remove all references of God within government:
Johnson: Yes
Trump: No
Clinton: Yes

Funding of military:
Johnson: Decrease it
Trump: Decrease it, but resulting in a stronger military
Clinton: Keep at current level, satisfied with current performance

Should a photo ID be required to vote:
Johnson: No
Trump: Yes as this will prevent voter fraud
Clinton: No, as this will disadvantage those who do not have the resources to obtain one.

Close Guantanamo Bay?
Johnson: Yes
Trump: No, most of the prisoners are too dangerous to be released
Clinton: Yes

The rest of his stances can be found here.

One important occurrence that recently came to light was Johnson's Allepo Moment where he forgets that Aleppo is a Syrian City. Brought on to MSNBC's Morning Joe, Commentator Mike Barnicle asks him what he would do about Aleppo as president. Now as a normal person I did not know what Aleppo was, but being a candidate for presidency I feel that Johnson definitely should have. Clinton later laughs in response at a press conference that "you could look on the map and find Aleppo". Just to make sure, here is a map of Syria (looks like someone at least knows where it is).

Now, if you are thinking "well that is a common mistake," let me now point you towards an interview with him during another MSNBC Morning Joe. Johnson is simply being interviewed on wanting so badly to be featured in the debates. Sadly not reaching the requirements to be featured in a debate, Johnson finds that sticking his tongue out at the American people in "distaste" would be much easier than a debate. He goes into great detail about how he would do the debate, but for some reason has lost all control to his tongue. The reporter Kasie Hunt jumps back in disgust as soon as he starts to talk with his tongue out. I would love to see Johnson do this to Putin or even Kim Jong Un-- he might discover that the debate is not the only thing he would lose.

During the primary debates, Gary Johnson thought it would be wise to call Trump a very derogatory and offensive term. Back in March, Johnson apologizes, but then states that he has "climbed the highest mountain on each of the seven continents" and then calls him the horrible term once again. Making a justification that a president must have a prerequisite of hiking on top of every single mountain, Johnson simply makes himself look like a complete idiot. Just seeing the video of him say all this one could think he was on drugs or really was in need of some media attention, which he received.

In an article written on the Election Forum by Craig Huey, there lists six reasons why Huey, a Libertarian, would not vote for Johnson. His reasons were that:

1. Libertarians are Pro-Life and Johnson is not

2. Johnson would force Christian churches and other institutions to provide services on same sex marriage.

3. Support's President Obama's unconstitutional executive amnesty. Libertarians "support minimal government, but they also stand by the rule of law."

4. Vice President pick is pro-gun control though this is against libertarianism.

5. Believes Clinton is a good leader and pick for president making him have poor judgment considering Clinton's numerous scandals

6. Libertarian candidate has no chance of winning due to polls.

Looking at the polls on RealClear Politics, which takes the average of all polls, Johnson sadly is struggling to make it above a 10% in the polls and has been rapidly declining.

In the words of the Libertarian candidate for President "for those who believe this is a disqualifier, so be it."

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