Despite the ps4 being an aging game system, I'm pretty new to it, having just bought one a couple months ago. Therefore, I may not be the best reference when it comes to games that are good for more seasoned players, but if you happen to be just starting out like I am, here are some games that are both fun and relatively easy for beginners.
1. Spiderman
Of course the Spiderman game was going to be the first one on here. It's easy to play and a lot of fun, with missions that switch you back and forth between different characters in the Spiderman universe, and lets you webstrike, take down enemies, and basically do whatever a spider can.
2. Dying Light
The premise of this game is essentially to run away from zombies.
Just kidding, there's more to it of course. Your character parkours his way through post apocolytic cities, trying to take down dangerous enemies, both alive and undead, collecting weapons and completing missions on the way. The thorough tutorial in the first part of this game ensures that the player gets a hang of the controls before moving onto to the harder, main missions. Additionally there's three different modes with which you can play, increasing in difficulty. Right now I'm on the easiest, which is normal, and to be honest still kind of difficult. So I wouldn't recommend a player new to the game to try out the hardest mode, which is nightmare mode, on their first time.
3. Hitman
The idea behind this game is that your character must go to different events and execute various important people. But here's the catch; they have to do in a way that's sneaky so they don't get caught which can be hard with nosy police officers and crowded locations. There are many different methods of execution, which some of the more morbid players might enjoy. Additionally the missions increase in difficulty as you play, and
So there you have it. Three of the games I enjoyed on the ps4 as a beginner (which I still am). Perhaps my preferences might shift around as I get more accustomed to the console, but for players who want good, interactive games with compelling stories, these are the ones I'd recommend