You have probably watched at least one episode, or a clip online, of families battling each other through survey questions.
First premiering in the summer of 1976, America's well-known gameshow "Family Feud" has seen it all. Even after numerous cancellations and syndications, the show was not gaining the viewers it needed to stay on the air. But finally when Steve Harvey took over and became the show's new host, ratings jumped nearly 40 percent. The game show now ranks among the top 10 highest-rated daytime television shows.
So what keeps the show going, aside from all of the ridiculous responses of contestants? Steve Harvey's humorous reactions and facial expressions in response to some of the outrageous answers.
Here are a few of Family Feud's finest moments, some of which bring question to the word "family" in the show's title.
Q: "Name something that follows the word 'pork.'"
A: "-cupine"
Photo via Buzzfeed
Q: "Give me a boy's name that starts with 'H.'"
A: "Jose"
Q: "Tell me a part of the body that starts with 'T.'"
A: "Titties."
Photo via Tumblr
Q: Name something that men do not do which women think they do.
A: Wipe themselves.
Q: "Name something a doctor might pull out of a person."
A: "A gerbil."
Photo via 7 Pound Bag
Q: "Name something that dries up when it gets old."
A: "Asparagus."
Q: "Name something that can ruin a kiss."
A: "A mustache."
Photo via Buzzfeed
Q: "Which of the seven dwarves describes your wife in bed?"
Both men contestants looked at each other and shook their heads no.
Q: "Name something a woman does for her baby that sh--"
A: (Interrupting with the buzzer) "Changes his diaper!"
After an "X" flashed across the screen, Harvey repeated the question with a look of disapproval: "Name something a woman does for her baby that she also does for her hubby."
Photo via Game Show Garbage
Q: "If you have a big enough casket, name something you would take with you."
A: "A pet."
Harvey then responded, "You're dead so you're gonna kill your pet since you didn't make it?!"
Q: "Give a word or phrase that starts with 'pot.'"
A: "Pot-a-to."
Photo viaBuzzfeed
Don't be ashamed if you tune into Family Feud once in a while during your lunch break or watch re-runs late at night. Just because it is a game show doesn't mean it only appeals to the middle and older generations. Thanks to host Steve Harvey, this form of "daytime television" is light-hearted, humorous and entertaining.