It seems like a common theme for movies and television shows nowadays is to be full of crass language, crude humor, and explicit sexual content. It is as though the T.V industry thinks that a show can't be good without those things. I for one don't think they add much to a show. There have been plenty of shows that I have absolutely fallen in love with that didn't contain so much explicit content.
Game of Thrones is a television show that has been around for a long time and has become quite popular. Out of interest, I decided I would try and see what was so great about this show. As I sat there I could barely bring myself to continue watching it. Now, some people may say that "the show isn't for everyone," but should anybody really be watching it? Why would you want to fill your mind with the things that are displayed throughout this show? "Game of Thrones" is notorious for its many sex scenes and nudity throughout its episodes. I for one find it awkward and unbecoming. Whenever a sex scene comes on, whether it be in a movie or T.V show, I don't find it entertaining. In fact, I feel quite the opposite. The act of sex should not be something that is displayed on a television screen. Even actors themselves admit how awkward filming those scenes are, so why even put it in there?
The majority of the time, sex scenes don't further the plot or have any value to the show as a whole. There are some instances where there might, but if the whole plot of a story is centered around sex, should you really be watching it? When you talk about this topic you need to differentiate with what the plot is trying to tell (say: Robb and Talisa love each other and make love passionately) and note it was enough to have them strip and then cuddle. The act itself could be skipped. Does that count as sex? Who knows. The viewers should be smart enough to figure out on their own what is going on without showing the actual act. All you need to know is that to serve plot no sex or violence is needed.
When it comes to depicting sexual violence, which is the point I'm most concerned about, it is never relevant to the plot. They're relevant to shock. There's a difference. The visualization of sex serves one purpose and one purpose only: enjoyment, on "Game of Thrones," almost exclusively is targeted at men. Some scenes add some themes to the characters, and further indicate their personality, but they don't need to be done in such an explicit and vulgar way. There are better ways to try and get your point across without depicting it in such a gruesome way.
I personally don't care to see naked people on a television screen. The only person I would care to see naked would be my spouse. He is the only person I should be interested in seeing naked. That is how it should be. The way sex is portrayed in movies and T.V shows is certainly not an accurate depiction of how it actually works. Sex is so powerful in creating an intimacy that there must be some constraints on how it was to be used. From what I have seen and heard, the majority of the time Game of Thrones isn't interested in showing the romance that sex should be about, but rather about shock value and titillating. Authors George Martin and Scott Myers of Summit Ministries says that "sex is a good thing. It must be if God created it! The only way to keep it a "good thing" is to follow God's guidelines. God will reward you if you choose to honor Him, and save sex for its proper time and place — your marriage."
So, I have decided to not watch "Game of Thrones" because I believe nudity should only be seen in the bedroom. This isn't me being a prude, it's me genuinely concerned about what people are watching nowadays. I encourage you to really take a step back and think about the things you are watching and filling your mind with. Are they beneficial or detrimental to you? Watching television may not seem like such a bad thing, but it really can stick with you and mess with your mind.