Game of Thrones has now ended, and everyone has their opinions some hated it and some loved it. And those that hated it want the final season remade already.
People were sad or pissed off after the airing of the final episode that they even called off work or came in late on Monday, it's one thing to be a little sad that one of your favorite shows is ending, and may not have ended the way you wanted it to, but taking off work because of it is going to far.
These are fictional characters and the whole show is a fantasy, people need to stop being so sensitive when it comes to things like this, there are more important things to worry about and take off of work for. But for a TV show come on people get over it.
This is just a TV show, so why are people getting so affected by it? You have 1.4 million people that have signed a petition for season 8 to be remade, they went as far as asking "HBO" to hire competent writers.
If people would realize the show is loosely based on the books by "George R.R. Martian" and there were so many things that were different from the books and the show, there were characters that never even made it into the show that are in the book. Characters that are dead in the book are alive on the show.
The book series is not even done, Martian even said that "Winds of Winter" is not even finished and he hasn't even started on "Songs of Spring". So maybe after these books are released the fans might get the ending they want.
That 1.4 million is just a small part of this massive fan base, there are a lot of people who really enjoyed the ending wished there were a few more episodes but enjoyed in never the less.
It's just a TV show people there is no reason to get so depressed over something that is not real. being disappointed is one thing but there were people that had far stronger reactions such as sadness and anger, There were even some businesses that offered grief counseling, and others said that this last season tainted everything they loved about the show.
Now the ending of your favorite show always matters and people want it to end the way they want to, and want all the loose ends tied up nicely. But you know what you have no say in how the show ends, your just a fan not a writer, director or actor, and you don't get to say how many episodes the show gets, "HBO" only gave them 6, so they worked with what they had.
Fans get attached to characters from their favorite shows, books, and movies, and that you follow these characters for many years, and you feel like you have formed a bond with them and want the best for them. Amanda D'Annucci-Kean, who has studied the psychology of storytelling and gave a TEDx talk on the intersection of the two.
She said that people will for strong connections and g can go deeper than just empathy, fans will take this so personal because once their story ends their relationship ends with these characters, and some are just not ready for it and they end up feeling betrayed and cheated by the writers.
I understand missing the characters that you have grown to love and only wanted the best for them, but berating the writers, actors and the directors, and even going as far as saying that "George R.R. Martain" himself had already finished the books but was waiting to release them till after the season is wrong, because he even said they were not finished.
So just let it go, it has now ended and is over, be sad, write your feelings down in your journal and move on there are more important things to worry about in this world.