At first glance, "Game of Thrones" may not seem like the most female-friendly show. With the nudity, use of vulgar language and numerous sexual assaults that have been showcased on the show, feminism may not be the first word that comes to mind.
However, watching the show from the beginning and seeing characters evolve, strong females are a main focal point on the show. Whether they are good or evil, young or old, the females on the show aren't close to being secondary characters.
Daenerys Targaryen
Daenerys Stormborn of the House Targaryen, First of Her Name, the Unburt, Queen of the Andals and the First Men, Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, Breaker of Chains and Mother of Dragons. A mouthful at that, but the Mother of Dragons has proven herself to be one of the strongest females on the show. She is no longer the submissive sister of an overbearing brother but a woman who has lost her family, her husband, her child and, in turn, has conquered lands, freed people and raised her own army. She does not back down from a challenge, and we last saw her heading toward Westeros to reclaim what belongs to her — the Iron Throne.
Cersei Lannister
Whether you love her or you hate her (and you probably hate her), there is no denying that she is tougher than half the male characters on the show. Forced to walk back to her castle naked, she was slut-shamed, harassed and abused; she made it through to the other side stronger than ever. We may not know how long her reign on the Iron Throne will last (as stated above, our favorite, Khaleesi, is on her way right now), but we can appreciate the long rode it took for Cersei to get there.
Sansa Stark
A personal favorite of mine, Sansa may have started out a little spoiled, but she was a child and betrothed to Joffrey (So can we really blame her?). She had to watch her father die, be the subject of ridicule from Joffrey, married without her consent, forced to flee, married off again without her consent, abused and raped by a man even worse that Joffrey (Who knew?). But finally, Sansa was reunited with her brother (spoiler: cousin) Jon Snow and is on her way to reclaiming the North. Oh yeah, and she finally got rid of Bolton.
Brienne of Tarth
Brienne of Tarth wasn't always the badass warrior we see on television. She was an object of humiliation for most of her life and was made fun of for her unattractive appearance when she tried to act and dress like a lady. However, when she gave up on trying to be a proper lady and embraced her inner badass, she became a talented warrior that helped Sansa escape Bolton and has left herself with nerves of Valyrian steel.
Arya Stark
Honorable mentions
She may seem quiet and innocent, but Khaleesi's right-hand woman is anything but naive. She was a slave who became the lady in waiting to the Mother of Dragons and has stood beside Khaleesi as she's taken over the realm.
Margaery Tyrell
Smart, deceiving and beautiful, she's a woman who knows how to influence those around her into getting what she wants.
You may not always agree with her actions, but she is a strong woman who has many men following her orders.
Olenna Tyrell
She killed Joffrey. Enough said.
The Wildlings' badass archer who knew how to put Jon Snow in his place.
Catelyn Stark
Mama Stark defended her babies 'til her last dying breath, and her memory will always live on.