If you haven't seen the new "Game of Thrones" season 8 teaser trailer, then you need to get out from under that rock you're living under and WATCH.
Game of Thrones | Season 8 | Official Tease: Crypts of Winterfell (HBO)www.youtube.com
For those who don't know me, I'm a huge "Game of Thrones" fan. I've watched and re-watched the series probably six or seven times at this point in my life, and the time spent not watching it is spent watching theory videos about it (hmu for all my season eight predictions).
Since this is the last season, some of us (mainly, me), are upset over it. So, to cope, I've come up with the ultimate "Game of Thrones" drinking game. Please note: you may die by the end of it, but it'll be an adventure (much like the show itself)!
Take a shot every time someone says "Winter is coming."
Take a shot any time that the Stark boys are too goddamn honorable.
Stupid, noble idiots.
Finish your drink every time someone has sex.
Take two drinks whenever you see boobs.
Take a shot every time something bad happens to Sansa.
Which is often.
Finish your drink when someone says the word "ale."
Take a drink every time Tyrion drinks.
Start chugging when Bronn sings and don't stop until he's done.
Take a shot every time Daenerys says "Dracarys."
Finish your drink every time one of your favorite characters dies.
To cope, more than anything.
Take a shot every time someone gets beheaded.
Chug every time Dany rides on her dragon's back.
Take a shot every time incest happens.
Also, surprisingly often.
Take a drink whenever Littlefinger betrays someone.
Take two drinks every time Littlefinger makes inappropriate moves on Sansa.
Chug your drink when Dany has her long-ass title presented to someone, and don't stop until it's over.
Queen Daenerys Stormborn of the House Targaryen, the First of Her Name, Queen of the Andals, the Rhoynar and the First Men, Lady of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm, Lady of Dragonstone, Queen of Meereen, Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, the Unburnt, Breaker of Chains and Mother of Dragons.
Take two sips every time Arya kills someone.
Take a sip for every time Jon Snow gets stabbed.
Take a shot every time Melisandre tries to seduce someone.Â
Finish your drink whenever an animal dies.
Again, to cope.
Take a drink whenever a White Walker shows up.
Take two drinks whenever they change someone into a wight.
Three if it's a baby.
Take two drinks whenever Ramsay does something psychotic.
Don't forget to drink if it includes Sansa!
Drink any time someone says "The King in the North!"
And any time someone says "dragons."
Take two drinks any time someone unsheathes a sword.
Drink any time a Lady in Red gives some cryptic-ass prophecy.
Finish your drink whenever Beric Dondarrion gets resurrected.
Take a shot whenever someone says "fuck."
And finally, take a shot for every person Cersei kills.
Bonus: Chug a whole bottle of wine when the series ends.
Because the old gods and the new know that we'll need it.