Game Of Thrones Characters And Their Harry Potter BFFs
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Game Of Thrones Characters And Their Harry Potter BFFs

Bringing together best friends since 1996 R.R. and 1997 J.K.

Game Of Thrones Characters And Their Harry Potter BFFs

After lots of peer pressure, I recently decided to invest some time on a new TV series. I binged watched season one of "Game of Thrones" and finished it within a week. I’m working my way through the seasons very quickly and loving every minute (but I haven't made it to season five yet, so please, no spoilers!). With this newfound fandom, I thought it would be interesting how these characters would interact if they entered the worlds of another popular fandom. Thus, "Game of Thrones" and "Harry Potter" BFFs were born.

There are things that could potentially be spoilers ahead, so if you want to be safe, best stop here.

1. Khal Drogo – Centaurs

Khal and the centaurs are a match made in heaven. They spend their days riding into the sunset, Khal on horse-back, centaurs on horse legs. They take no mercy on those who get in their way and use their warrior skills to defend their own. Their man-powered tribes, long manes and muscular bodies are just a few reasons why this is the strongest bromance in all the lands.

2. Daenerys Targaryen - Charlie Weasley

This match-up is pretty obvious. Who better to hang out with the mother of dragons than someone who has spent his life studying them? This friendship would be so hot, it might lead to being more than just friends. After all, both Charlie and Daenerys are single. I see beautiful strawberry blonde babies in their future. And dragons. Lots of dragons.

3. Robb Stark - Harry Potter

These guys know how to take hold of the reins. Both men followed honorably in their fathers’ footsteps by leading their houses to victories. Their leadership skills led many men to offer their lives in battle. Robb and Harry would constantly challenge each other to be the best they can be. Their friendship would be a competitive one, making them perfect for shows like The Amazing Race. They would be loyal and true to one another, just as they have been to their houses.

4. Arya Stark - Ginny Weasley

These girls became the badasses of their fandoms. Arya and Ginny are extremely skilled fighters and never back down against those larger than them. Arya acts as the sister Ginny never had, and Mrs. Weasley always makes her feel welcome. They always have each other’s backs be it in battle or in clubs fending off grinding guys.

5. Samwell Tarly - Ronald Weasley

Although not the bravest lads in the bunch, these two make up for their cowardice with determination. They try to help those in need, even though they can hardly help themselves. They’re loyal friends through and through. You will most likely find them spending their days playing chess or pigging out.

6. Tyrion Lannister - Hermione Granger

A friendship between these two would be a battle of wits. Their love of books and knowledge keeps them steps ahead of their enemies. They probably wouldn’t talk to one another much, but sit in silence in each other’s company while searching the stacks. As Tyrion once said, “A mind needs books as a sword needs a whetstone if it is to keep its edge,” something Hermione would certainly agree with.

7. Joffrey "Baratheon" Lannister - Draco Malfoy

Besides the luminous blonde locks and dark fashion sense, these two have striking personality similarities. Joffrey and Draco are the pureblooded menaces of their fandoms; Joffrey is slightly more menacing than the skittish Draco. They both run away when faced with danger and enjoy watching others suffer. Their real-life experience is abysmal, and they practically disassociate from their fathers, other than Draco’s occasional “My father will hear about this!” They would most likely spend their time plotting the demise of peasants and mud-bloods, without being able to actually execute any of their plans.

8. Jon Snow - Severus Snape

A bastard son and a half-blood prince, two miscreants who are known for all the wrong reasons. They aren’t regarded as heroes, even though they both sacrifice being with the ones that they love for the greater good. They’re accustomed to wearing black, being called the “bad guys” and fighting for themselves and others. On the weekends, you can find them working side by side in your local Hot Topic, giving their signature brooding stares to customers.

9. Petyr Baelish - Rita Skeeter

These two Chatty Cathys can talk an ear off, but they also know how to listen if it means getting the latest gossip. They spread lies, truths and rumors quicker than you can spread jelly on a sandwich. They’re conniving, manipulative with their words and clad in only the finest threads. They get together on occasion and blab away about what’s going on in the realms. Tea time for them is, literally, T time.

10. Cersei Lannister - Bellatrix Lestrange - Narcissa Malfoy

These three came together over a trademark dispute for resting bitch face. Their Bermuda Triangle friendship has led to a great deal of backstabbing, one-sided arguments and ruined shopping trips. They never seem to agree on anything, except the fact that they are all unappreciated by their male counterparts. They drink wine on Wednesday nights and eat cheese, calmly awaiting the return of their favorite Blue Bell ice cream flavors (because who wants to settle for great divide when there's rocky road?)

Stick with me as I make my way through the seasons. There will definitely be more BFFs to come!

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