A Game-by-Game Description of the Emotions Felt by Villanovans During March Madness | The Odyssey Online
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A Game-by-Game Description of the Emotions Felt by Villanovans During March Madness

I don't know if you heard, but Villanova won the National Championship.

A Game-by-Game Description of the Emotions Felt by Villanovans During March Madness

When Kris Jenkins made the three-pointer during the last 4.7 seconds of the NCAA Championship, my heart stopped. I think I went into a state of shock that I have not yet come out of. The entire country had watched Villanova play incredible basketball during March Madness and make it to the final game. Then they won. I had the opportunity to watch most of the games on Villanova's campus, and I can honestly say that being here during the madness has been one of the most worthwhile experiences of my life. Watching Jenkins' shot sink may have been the best moment of my life thus far. Each game brought a new wave of emotions, but I don't think anyone that is a part of Nova Nation would trade it for the world.

Game 1: Villanova vs. UNC Asheville (86-56)

The first game of the tournament brought a lot of excitement. There wasn't a lot of pressure going into this game, but a lot of confidence. The boys played extremely well and Arcidiacono's buzzer-beater three (that may or may not have foreshadowed the end of the tournament) to end the first half, sparked a wave of adrenaline across campus.

Game 2: Villanova vs. Iowa (87-68)

Given what happened to Villanova in last year's tournament, there was probably more stress than necessary during the second game. My friends teased me, expecting Villanova to choke. Much to everyone's amusement, Villanova crushed Iowa and dispelled all doubts of the boys not being a team who can handle the pressure.

Game 3: Villanova vs. Miami (92-69)

Once again, Villanova proved its dominance during their win over Miami. They not only beat Miami, but they crushed them. Unfortunately, this game was over spring break, so Nova Nation couldn't celebrate together. On the other hand, the smiles we all sported throughout this entire game were widespread and welcomed. The most common emotion was, probably, a little bit of arrogance.

Game 4: Villanova vs. Kansas (64-59)

Even though this was another game over break, the tension was felt everywhere. Throughout the game, my friends and I couldn't stop stressing. Everyone doubted that we would make it this far and even more doubted that we could take down the number one seed. Even President Obama thought Kansas would go all the way, but Villanova proved him wrong. When Villanova won and secured their spot in the Final Four, a wave of disbelief swept across the nation, which turned into anticipation once everyone returned to campus.

Game 5: Villanova vs. Oklahoma (95-41)

Sorry Oklahoma, but this game was just an embarrassment. While making history as the biggest win, in terms of points, in Final Four history, and shutting down Buddy Hield, Villanova gave this campus a new sense of hope. There would be only one game left until we could party like it was 1985, now we just had to wait to see who our opponent would be.

Game 6: Villanova vs. UNC Chapel Hill (77-74)

I can honestly say that this was one of the most emotional days of my life. While no one wanted to say it, we were all nervous. In a few short hours, we would know if Villanova would be National Champions. Everyone knew the boys were playing the best basketball of their lives, but no one knew how they would fare against UNC. As students went to the Pavilion or returned to the same spots they were in when the team beat Oklahoma, they waited for two intense hours to see the outcome. When it came down to the last play of the game and the shot went in, there was a mix of tears and smiles among everyone watching. Villanova had won and become National Champions. The best emotions to describe this moment are shock and pure bliss.

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