Going to a football game is anything short of exhausting and we all go through quite a lot during our time in the stands. We have many moods throughout the game and these a just as few that top the rest.
Whether you're one who leaves before halftime or a stays until the very end, you've felt a few of these, if not all.
4. Hungry
You know what time it is, that pretzel has been calling your name since you got there.
5. Hangry
Alright, your team is down by 17, it's time to buy one of everything to get you through it.
7. Tired
You've been screaming your head off and you're full of food, it's obviously time for a nap.
8. Emotional
If the halftime show or love for your team doesn't make you a little emotional you need to switch teams cause you're not that into it.
11. Proud and happy I came
When you team finally pulls it off and you can't wait to post all over Facebook about it.