To my best friends, my girlfriends, my rocks, both at school and at home. Thank you for everything you do for me. Thank you for the endless and inside jokes. Thank you for the late nights on weekends and the early mornings made better because of your text messages and snap-chats. I feel as though my boyfriends have always gotten all the credit, and while they often deserved it, you've been there during the fights, the break ups, the doubts. You've never left my side.
To my friends at school: I'm so happy to have met you (or to have rekindled our friendship at school). Thank you for bringing me candy when I was too sad to leave my room. Thank you for hanging out with me at all hours of the day. For all the shared meals and shared memories. For walking to CVS, the Milkshake Factory, pretty much anywhere and everywhere with me. For supporting me in my classes and my decisions. For becoming my family so quickly when I was away from home. My life here would never be bearable without you. I never knew I could form such a close bond in a matter of weeks. I will have your backs always and I can never thank you enough.
To my friends back home: Thank you for being so supportive of me and my goals. Thank you for being so excited for me. Thank you for believing in me. I will never forget the things you've done for me. I would never be the person I am today without you. I love how I can go without seeing you for months and when I come home, it's like I never left. You've always been my family. You've been with me through it all and I can never repay you. I could never repay you for the sleepovers and the kind words through break ups and divorce. I can never replicate the crazy weird things we'eve done. Throwing parties for our dogs. Driving eight hours in one day to see one concert. Late nights. Early mornings. You are my childhood and I owe my future to you.
To my family: To my sisters and my mother. Thank you for being a literal family through the trying times when our family was hardly a family at all. Thank you for bearing with me while I figure out who I am. Thank you for watching me and helping me grow up. I look forward to every break and every weekend I get to see you all. I know the time we spend together has decreased as we've all gotten busier and I've moved away but you will always have such a special place in my life. Every "I miss you" text, every minute we get to spend together means the world to me.
To every "gal" in my past, present and future who have never let me face the world alone, thank you. You have made me strong, you have made me confident, you have helped me get by.