If you are involved with the fitness world on social media, you have probably seen the trending hashtag #gainingweightiscool. A series of transformation pictures from girls all over who have gained weight. What was probably supposed to just be a post from the honest, raw, and real Arianna Dantone, turned out to be a movement and a very positive one to say the least. So what necessarily does it mean to say that gaining weight is cool? To most, it means that it is normal and sometimes necessary to put weight on and that it is OKAY. In a world filled with the glamorization of weight loss, Arianna related her journey to other women's all over social media that gaining weight is normal and not something to feel bad about.
After severe dieting, many women face malnutrition, hair loss, mood swings, organ failure, irregular or loss of menstrual cycles, and more. For most women who have experienced this, myself included, weight was not the only thing gained, a life was gained back too. Whether it be an eating disorder or a competition prep, many girls, and guys I'm sure, have realized extremely low body fat levels are unhealthy and not maintainable. Depending on the goal and the lifestyle sometimes extreme measures must be taken, but what about afterward? "Diets" or eating below your maintenance intake is not life-long. So how do you approach it when it is over? Whether your gain is 15 pounds or 50 pounds, how do you face the weight? Probably with guilt or shame or embarrassment because of being exposed to unrealistic standards blasted across the media. With a body positive movement as grand as this, I couldn't help but relate, support, and spread it.
It has seemed to me that everyone is so willing to do "whatever it takes" to get to their goals until it means gaining some weight. What if part of what it takes to get to where you want to be IS gaining weight? What if I told you that you could look the same or even better with the gain? This part of the process is often looked down on or not shared at all because everyone wants to show is their best angle in the best lighting (guilty!) Regardless, if you crave more muscle mass (or "tone"), fat gain is necessary.
This movement was not made to be "trendy" or switch the glamorization from thin to obese. However, of course, these comments have been made already. I think it's important to realize not everyone has the same journey as you and that this little hashtag might be a big part of theirs. Try not to tear someone down for sharing part of themselves on the internet. There is a person behind every account. Keep an open mind while people are brave enough to join the movement with their own personal experience.
So dear people who have gained weight,
IT IS COOL. You are more than a number. You are more than your gravitational pull towards this earth. You are a person. You are worthy. You are important. You are enough.