It was recently announced that Gal Gadot, the star of Wonder Woman, will not sign on for a sequel if producer Brett Ratner is involved with the film. Ratner, who is the founder of RatPac-Dune Entertainment, co-financed the last Wonder Woman film along Warner Brother Entertainment. Ratner has been accused of sexual misconduct and harassment.
Gadot has not made an official statement but sources claim she does not want to be involved if Ratner will be profiting from the film claiming “They [Warner Brothers] can’t have a movie rooted in women’s empowerment being part-financed by a man accused of sexual misconduct against women,”. If Gadot was not to sign on for a second Wonder Woman film than the movies could not continue.This means that either Ratner has to be removed from the equation or Warner Brothers will lose out on this incredible franchise
This has put Hollywood on its toes. Not many celebrities would give up millions to do what’s right but she does not seem to mind. Gadot has openly supported all women who have came forward with their stories against men like Ratner.
Other than her incredible physique, it is Gadot’s personality that makes her such an incredible Wonder Woman, one that can not be replaced. After the release of the first blockbuster hit, Gadot quickly stole all of our hearts with her grace and power.
Not only does she advocate feminism, peace and comfy flats, she is an ex Israeli combat instructor who does not let anyone eclipse her morals and principals, and that is exactly why she is Woman Woman.