1. Gabbie is truly spearheading the YouTube community's effort to eradicate the stigma surrounding mental health. | The Odyssey Online
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If You Haven't Already, You Should Definitely Subscribe To Gabbie Hanna On YouTube

She's honestly one of my absolute favorites.

If You Haven't Already, You Should Definitely Subscribe To Gabbie Hanna On YouTube

If you're as big of a fan of YouTube as I am, and you watch YouTubers like Shane Dawson, Colleen Ballinger, Liza Koshy, and "iisuperwomanii," you've most likely heard of Gabbie, who has a popular channel that was called the "thegabbieshow" but is now just called Gabbie Hanna. Gabbie is known for her hilarious storytime videos, vines, and most recently, her music.

I began watching her videos a couple of years ago after seeing her in collaboration videos with some of my favorite YouTubers like Colleen Ballinger and Joey Graceffa, and I instantly knew that she was quickly going to become one of my favorites. As soon as I started watching Gabbie's videos I became fascinated with just how much I related to her, even though we are 6 years apart.

Here are 4 reasons you should hit that subscribe button, and why you won't regret doing so.

1. Gabbie is truly spearheading the YouTube community's effort to eradicate the stigma surrounding mental health.

In many of her videos, Gabbie talks about many of her personal struggles with anxiety and depression, being very open and honest about her mental health "journey". In addition, she tries to encourage her subscribers to focus on taking care of their own mental health and to be open and honest with themselves and their loved ones about how they are feeling emotionally. Through discussing mental health topics in the majority of her videos, Gabbie is not only serving as a positive role model for her audience, but she is pioneering a dialogue about mental health online, thereby spearheading the youtube community's effort in helping to lessen and eventually get rid of the stigma that surrounds mental health and mental health issues.

2. Gabbie is so real and genuine.

To be honest, I feel that Gabbie is one of the most "real" and genuine YouTubers out there right now. One of the things that I love about Gabbie and her channel is that she is so honest in her videos. Not only are her videos so captivating because she is hilarious, but she also doesn't put on a show, instead she is "real" with her subscribers, she doesn't act like her life is perfect. Her content, while, like every YouTubers' content, is edited, it is also raw. It is raw in the sense that Gabbie is not afraid to hold back and is nothing but honest with her subscribers.

3. She is, in my opinion, hilarious.

Simply put, besides being genuine with her fans and subscribers, Gabbie is absolutely hilarious. Her witty, infectious sense of humor is sure to make anyone laugh. I believe that Gabbie's infectious sense of humor coupled with her genuineness is what makes her so likeable and popular in the youtube community. I mean her storytime videos are also pretty legendary, and that's what originally, besides her vines, of course, attracted so many subscribers to her channel. Overall, I think that Gabbie is truly one of the funniest people on the platform right now. She can turn any story, regardless of what it is about, into something that' will have you literally laughing out loud.

4. Her music is great.

Although Gabbie is famous because of her vines and YouTube channel, she is now beginning to enter the music scene. Now, typically I don't like it when people who are not known for their singing start a singing career, but because Gabbie's voice is so good and the lyrics to each song she writes are so relatable, I'm a huge fan of her branching out into the music industry. Gabbie's songs that she has come out with so far, are so meaningful and heartfelt. You can tell that she loves to sing and that she means every word that she is singing, it's so awesome to see someone excel at something that they are so passionate about.

Keep up the great work Gabbie, you are killing it. Go subscribe to her channel, you'll thank me later.

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