Dear Future Little,
You may be close to graduating high school this month, which means that you have decided where you are going to attend college and if you want to rush or not. I strongly encourage you to rush because it will change your life in so many amazing ways. The people that quickly become your sisters after one week will turn into your best friends. They are going to be people who will dance with you in the rain or stay up with you all night at the library. You will become a part of an amazing sisterhood that will help make your college experience the best it could possibly be.
Even though we do not know each other yet, I already know that you are perfect and that I love you so much. During Big/Little week, which is by far my favorite week, I cannot wait to spoil you endlessly while seeing you trying to figure out who I am. You will soon realize that I am not the craftiest person in the world, but I will craft all day and night for you. You will also realize that I have so much love for you, that I'm a pretty bad liar, and that I can not wait to be your Big.
As your future Big, there are some things I want you to know.
My closet is your closet, and there is a good chance that I will come over to your place and shop your closet.
Your future grandbig and great grandbig are some pretty cool people, and they can't wait to meet you.
I will help guide you through your new member process, and I will answer all the questions you may have.
You will always have a place to crash at night.
I may laugh and joke around, but I will never judge you.
I will come pick you up all the time so that you don't have to walk.
I will tell you when the guy that you are crushing on isn't the right guy for you.
I will try to help you with your math homework, even though I am clueless about all things math.
I will only make you cry tears of joy.
I will always be up to get food with you.
I will probably use most of your guest passes to the dining halls.
I will try my best to set you up with the best guys for semi and date nights.
As your Big, I promise to love you unconditionally and to always be there for you, no matter what time it is. I cannot wait for the fall semester to come and for me to meet you!
Your Future Big