Future, it is often a word that gets the best of us. It takes us through a whirlwind of emotions and leaves our heads spinning. It is as if we are on a train with only part of the track showing due to the fog that is so heavily spread up ahead.
Our dreams, goals, desires, plans seem to always be weighing heavily overhead. But as children of God isn’t that how it is supposed to be. Not because our futures should be a weight over our lives but because our futures should be entrusted into the hands of an all-knowing God.
Let me level with you for a second. When we as sons and daughters look at our futures do we see God or ourselves. Is it His future or ours? See, the thing about the future is that it always must be about God. Because, often when it is about us, we tend to devalue our current circumstances and overthink our future ones.
I believe God implants these dreams, goals and desires into us before we even open our eyes for the first time. Not for the sake of our glory but for His. And even God enjoys when we are excited about our futures. With that being said I do believe that God wants us to know something about our futures and it can be summed up in one famous bible verse.
Jeremiah 29:11
“For I know the plans and thoughts that I have for you, ‘says the Lord, ‘plans for peace and well-being and not for disaster to give you a future and a hope.”
The future God has for you will yes be evident in the dreams, desires and plans but they will always be evident in how you include God in your future. Because God is not slack in His promises He will not be slack in the promise of Jeremiah 29:11.
One of God’s greatest gifts is the future because He has already preordained it. The future that He has for us is one of joy, hope, peace. When God’s shows you pieces of that future He is the one that will craft it into a masterpiece. He is the one that will take your life and make it look like a tree of life; alive and brimming with promise, hope and peace.
The reason why God doesn’t want our futures to have so much weight and power over us is because we are sons and daughters of the one who holds all power. One thing that you will learn about God when it comes to your future is that every day, every step is etched into building His kingdom future for your life.
God not only operates in our present, and past but He is actively building our futures into something that He will delight in with us. So, let go of the worrying and the overthinking. Allow God to take your future and produce a harvest that is overflowing with His love. beauty and grace.