Congratulations; You're en route to earning the most impactful career that exists in modern society. Within a few years, you will be liable for the blossoming of the future generation. You will be a parent, a guidance counselor, an educator, a student and ultimately, a friend to a young person who may not have one. You will be responsible for molding your students and preparing them to reach every last goal they put their mind to. But are you ready? Here are a few crucial questions to ask yourself before you decide.
Why do you want to teach? Are you attempting to follow in the footsteps of a family of teachers? Do you want to make an impact, similar to one of your previous teachers? Is it because you believe that it's impossible to get a job in your content area, so teaching is the next best thing? An important point to consider when deciding whether or not to be a teacher is that teachers are often transparent. If you don't want to be there, your students will feel it. If you are having a bad day, your students will feel it. If your heart isn't in it, your students will feel it. Teaching takes a resilient, passionate individual who is ready to take on any challenge with a smile, and you have to be confident that this is you.
What makes a great teacher? Who was a great teacher that you had, and what did they do that made them great? Did they go out of their way to make you feel valued on an individual level? Did they make their content as comprehensive and relatable to you? Did they intentionally include and engage everyone in the classroom? Great teachers are very intentional in their actions and must cater to an audience while making you feel as if they're personally speaking to you. They care for each of their students from both an educational standpoint and a personal one. You have to realize that you will be responsible for teaching students beyond what is on the exam; This means life skills, social adaptations and preparation for the transition into the next educational level. Great teachers do much more than teach; they listen and support.
Are you ready to accommodate all students? Are you prepared to work with all levels of students? Are you ready to dive into foreign cultures and make each one of your students feel accepted and comfortable in your classroom? It is very likely that you will be working with students from a wide variety of backgrounds, upbringings and internal behavioral standards. This requires a lot of patience, as each student will learn differently and have different tendencies that may be typical for them but catch you off guard. You have to be prepared to keep an open mind and work with what each student brings to the table.
If you feel comfortable with these topics, it's likely that your students will not be the only ones learning; With an open mind and passion, your students will impact you as you will them. Ultimately, teaching is one of the most important and rewarding jobs in existence, but cannot be taken lightly. Great reward comes with professions that require great work, and education is no exception, but, if you are ready for the challenge, you will make a difference in lives and never work a day in your life. Be that teacher for someone. Be that friend to a student that doesn't have one. Be a parent when your student doesn't have a parental figure. Be a teacher.