Dear Future Roommates,
Freshman orientation is two months away. Two months until we see each other every day. Two months until we sit around eating dirt pudding, macaroni and cheese, and chocolate milk together. Two months until we become best friends. Two months.
I can't wait until we know each others little personality quirks and everything that makes each other laugh. It'll be a great four years having you by my side. I can't wait to go on road trips on the weekends. I can't wait until you find out I'm the biggest procrastinator ever and would rather stress over everything not being done yet than actually doing it. I can't wait until I can show you guys all the fun places I like to go and all the things I enjoy doing. I can't wait until you tell me everything you like to do and show me your favorite places.
I'm excited for the nights where we have nothing to do except just hang out and pig out on ice cream and watch Netflix or listen to music or whatever we want to do. I'm excited for the days we all want to skip our 8 a.m. classes, but we end up going anyway. It'll be a fun experience.
I know some days are going to suck. The days that we miss home and our friends and family and pets and anything. Or the days when we want nothing but to be alone. I also know that we can make the best of any situation and turn it around for the better. That's what friends are for.
Until we make all these memories in the upcoming years, continue making the most of your last two months. We need to have stories to tell. Don't be afraid to hang out with your parents or buy that gift for your friend. Make these last two months until the new memories begin the best two months yet.
Once we get to college, don't be afraid to cry about how much you miss your bed to me or your favorite fast food place. I'll join you in those situations. Feel free to call your mom, FaceTime your brother, text your dad, write to your grandma, because I'll be right there with you doing the same. Don't ever worry about doing something embarrassing because chances are I have done or currently do the same 'embarrassing' thing.
Over these next few years, I plan on making many memories with you, the great ones we smile about and the ones we cringe over and hope no one knows about them. These four years will be the best having you by my side. Each day that passes makes me more excited for these new times. It's a big change for everyone there, but I'm happy you will be there with me, experiencing the same changes.
An upcoming freshman.