I would like to start by just getting all of the obvious stuff out of the way if that’d be fine with everyone, good, you don’t have a say on the matter. Last night, American democracy elected Donald J. Trump to the most powerful position in America: President. Running on a campaign of vitriol towards many groups of people: sardonic comments on Muslims, misogynistic comments about women, racist comments about Mexicans and all-around spewing hate with many words and little actually said. Theodore Roosevelt wrote in his autobiography, “This country has nothing to fear from the crooked man who fails. We put him in jail. It is the crooked man who succeeds who is a threat to this country.” We are staring at the simple fact that, yes, a crooked man like Trump has won, we have allowed a threat into office. Okay…
First and foremost, as someone who respects the voice of the people, I say (rather begrudgingly): Congratulations to Donald J. Trump who has demolished any obstacle in his way to achieve what was thought of as impossible. For just the second time in American Democracy History (Zachary Taylor of the now defunct Whigs Party won in 1848), a pure outsider has become president of the United States. He defied every odd. When he announced he was running over a year ago, it was taken as a joke, a ploy. It kept going. Now here we are. Donald J. Trump defeated Hillary Rodman Clinton decisively on November 8th, 2016 when virtually every poll had Hillary winning beforehand. To call this the biggest upset in American politics is probably the truest way to state this. But now that Donald will take the Oval Office on January 20th, 2017 we must wonder: what will the next four years bring? And the other question we are probably asking ourselves: how did this happen?
To the first of the two questions in regards to what we can expect over the next four years: conventional wisdom says not too much actually. Think of it like this, Obama wasn’t really getting much across in his first four years as president that only began to really take motion in his second term. Sure, he did important things in those first four years, but we wouldn’t have seen the results of those as pertinently had he lost in 2012. Yet, I am overlooking a simple fact between Barack Obama and Donald Trump: while Obama has been in office, he hasn’t had the support of both the House and Senate like Trump will (maybe); the presidency, Senate and House are all held under Republicans. Though, in his first two years of his first term he did have the Senate and the House(kind of, there was a lot of random issues). So there could be more drastic shifts in those four years than we saw in Obama’s first four years. I’ll tell you this: I don’t think we’ll see a wall, I don’t think Muslims will be forced out of the U.S. in droves (though I expect more hatred and fear-mongering in regards to Muslims), I expect something with NAFTA to occur, I expect a loss of jobs under President Trump, and I expect something not in his control which I’ll get to now.
On my second query about how did this happen, let me begin by immediately saying that this is the Democratic Party’s fault. The people of the United States of America are sick and tired of establishment politics, they are sick of the oligarchy that’s been created, sick of Bush’s and Clinton’s and the like. Tired of the wills and wants of big corporations being put first over the majority of the people. Yet the DNC and Hillary colluded to prevent their Democratic runner who was everything people wanted for the most part and instead chose self-interests over that of the people. Last night was the greatest defeat the Democrats will ever face. Because we might not have much of a Democrat Party after this; it’s in shambles, ruined by the corruptness that it so supposedly hated. The blame goes upon Debbie Wasserman Schultz, the media who conspired with Hillary, the other Dems who gave in and Hillary Clinton herself. I don’t like Hillary, I don’t like Donald, and I hope this election does bring about real change of the politics in America because there’s the elephant in the room I’ve yet to address.
How will Donald Trump play with the likes of Russia and other foreign powers? Supposedly, according to Trump himself, he likes Putin and they can probably get along. Vladimir and Donald are alike in many ways; both also have access to nukes and are short-tempered people. He is considering boots on the ground against ISIL (ISIS, Daesh, IS), I’ve read he may try to work with Russia to defeat ISIL. These are just a few foreign issues Donald Trump will be dealing with. He won’t (in terms of domestic affairs) be able to overturn Roe v. Wade however he will be selecting a new Supreme Court Judge since the Republicans blatantly broke constitution and prevented the sitting president from appointing. He may turn the Supreme Court mostly Conservative in the four years because most of the Justices are up in age (though they may do their best and not retire/stave off death until 2020 where Democrats will enact the exact thing Republicans did).
Either way I want to end this piece by saying: this election has been tiresome, it’s frayed the ends of so many people on all sides, it’s proved a burden on many yet I want to extend this thought. Please, do kind things for one another. Place your best foot forward in dealing with people, meet and greet new people, help those in need and for the sake of humanity be a decent human being. Please don’t turn violent, that’s never been the answer. Don’t stoop to the level of those before us. Be humble and kind.