I don't normally keep up with politics actively, but I do think it is safe to say that this current election is unlike any other one that we have had in America before. I don't see either of the current party nominees leading this country to a place of stability. We've been given a criminal and an open racist as our options, and I can't imagine that these two candidates are what our founding fathers had in mind while laying out the foundation for our country. This land is my home. I've grown up in this America. And I have watched as the place where I was born and raised has been ripped to shreds by political agendas that don't exactly fit the model built for us. Politics used to be exactly that: politics. Now it appears to be a race for personal gain.
I don't feel at all secure in the future of this country, not while our nominees are openly fighting each other on Twitter like a bunch of adolescents. Subtweeting? Seriously? I thought that stopped after high school. We used to be the picture of freedom for others: a place to make dreams come true. People came to America looking for a fresh start, a chance to make it big. I have a few words you should keep in mind as the presidential race draws to a close:
This country is a home to millions of people besides myself. And while you may not see each of us individually, you are responsible for listening to us and keeping us safe within our borders. You are the voice of reason, the voice that decides for us what will and will not happen. You have been tasked with coming to the best possible solution on controversial topics such as gun laws and healthcare. The job that lies ahead of you is not an easy one. Making America great again will not happen over night. But keep in mind that millions of people are placing their trust in you, voluntary or not, to make the right decisions that don't just benefit you as an individual.
I'm asking you, one human being to another, to do the best job possible. To do a job that would make not just our forefathers proud, but that will make the citizens who live in America proud to live there again.