For as long as I can remember I've been praying for you. I've been praying about who you are for so many years. I've prayed about when or where we'll meet. I've prayed about the kind of marriage we'll have and for the butterflies, I hope to feel in my stomach the minute we see each other for the first time. I've prayed for a lot of things about you, but surprisingly, my most consistent prayer hasn't been that you'll be a six foot tall, blonde hair, blue eyed babe. My greatest prayer is that you're already in love.
I pray that you're so in love with someone else that your life for last several years has been spent loving and honoring this person. I pray that the thought of spending your life with them is enough to make your whole heart swell and grin from ear to ear. I pray that you’ve spent time truly studying this person, knowing the smallest and most significant details of who they are and what makes them so wonderful. I pray that your desire to know this person grows more intense with every new revelation of just how beautiful they are. I pray that the love you have for this person is constantly growing deeper and stronger so that by the time I come along, we can love this person together. Whoever you are my sweet future husband, I hope and pray that you're in love with The Lord.
When I say that I hope you're in love with the Lord, I'm not meaning just by attending church every time the doors are open and saying a blessing before every meal. I pray that you are truly loving Him. I pray that you're loving truly Him by devoting yourself and your heart completely to Him.I pray that you are so completely devoted to Him that the words you speak bring life to the lost and hurting souls around you and that your arms always offer comfort to the broken and are always reaching out for others. I pray that your heart is full of so much devotion to follow the Lord that your love, respect, and desire to protect my heart as well as your love for Jesus exceeds the physical desires and temptations that you so often have to fight against. I pray that you've asked Him for wisdom on how to lead our future household and to become a godly father to our future precious babies. I pray that your hands will always be willing to serve and follow Him even if it leads to some uncomfortable places, all while trusting Him to see you through.
Finally, my sweet future husband, to take all of this pressure off of you, I want you to know that I've been praying for me too. I've been praying that while you're growing deeper and deeper in love with our heavenly Father that so will I. I've been praying that by the time you come along our hearts will both be full of so much love for the Lord that our desires to follow and honor Him in our marriage will be the strength that carries us through every storm we will face. I've been praying that the kind of godly wife and mother that you've been praying for is exactly what I'll be. I've been praying that every vow we make on our wedding day, will not only be a vow to each other, but to our Lord.
I'm praying for a lot of things, my sweet future husband. I pray that we will laugh together, mourn together, and ultimately, serve and love Jesus together. And I pray that we always remember that that no matter what this crazy life throws at us, we trust in God to carry us through because our love for Him is stronger than our love for each other.
I know you're worth it. I know you're worth every heart filled prayer, tear stained pillow, bad breakup, or minute spent waiting for you to sweep me off of my feet. In the meantime, whoever you are, I'll keep waiting, praying, growing, and loving. I pray that you always love me, my sweet future hubby. But I pray that no matter how much you love me, you always love Him more.