Dear Housemates,
I have never lived in a house before, and I've never lived with five other girls before in one house. Granted, nervous would be an understatement. I'm sure we're not always going to get along, as most people don't, but I'm sure we'll also have the time of our lives (hopefully).
Up to this point in college, we've all moved around a bit, dorms, suites, apartments and now we're finally settling down.
I can't promise I'll always do my laundry on time or that my makeup will always be put away. But I can promise I won't store my clothes on the floor and you'll always have someone to dance to throwbacks with.
On the nights we go out, we'll split a good bottle of Bearfoot (or three) and come back safely the next morning to talk about how low we shouldn't have dropped it. I can't cook like Bobby Flay, but I make really good pancakes and I hope you'll all be able to enjoy those for breakfast, lunch and dinner. I'll talk you up if you don't put me down. I'll be wild and crazy if you'll cram with me until four in the morning in the library.
This next year is going to be academically tough for all of us, but as long as we're real with each other, these next few months are going to fly by. I can't wait to get started!
Your newest housemate