Graduating from high school is one of the most amazing feelings in the entire world. After leaving your high school for the last time with your diploma in your hands and your future ahead of you, there is nothing you can't do. Whether graduation is right around the corner or a ways away, don't rush the time that you have left in high school. Yes, it does suck sometimes and yes, it is a lot of work. Do not take the time that you have there for granted. Enjoy the memories that you are going to be making with your friends because you might not see some of them for a long time. Cherish every memory and do everything. Being involved and having lots of friends is something amazing to look back on. Make sure to thank your teachers for everything that they have done. They want to be there teaching students who can't wait to leave as much as you want to be there to learn. Let them know that they are appreciated and will be missed. Live the last weeks of senior year as free as possible and don't be too pessimistic. Go to prom, go to senior nights, go and support your school as much as possible during your last moments there. Being a senior in high school is an honor and a privilege that some never make it to. Take graduation seriously and have fun before going off to college. Saying good bye to all of your friends before leaving for college is one of the weirdest feelings. You know that you will see them again, but you don't know when and you will be a new person. College changes people and that's okay. Some people handle the changes well and go with what life hands at them, but others don't know what to do and struggle. Everyone fails at some point in their college career and that's okay. Enjoy knowing what is coming at you and being who you are while you still can. As everyone says their goodbyes don't leave anything unsaid, let everyone know how you feel. Become who you want to be, but don't force it upon yourself. Not everyone grows up at the same time and that's okay. Transitioning can be hard, but it will all be worth it in the end. Nothing from high school matters when you go to college, so don't dwell on anything. Put your graduation cap and gown on with pride and walk at graduation with grace and sophistication. Have fun, dream big and congratulations.
Student LifeMay 16, 2017
To The Graduating High School Senior
Nothing from high school matters in college, but cherish the memories.
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